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NCCDD Celebrates DD Awareness Month - 2022

The North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD) is proud to recognize March as Developmental Disabilities (DD) Awareness Month to bring attention to the great work being done across the state that promotes inclusion and integration. Get involved with NCCDD on its many events and participate with us!

Graphic for the LAND registry of unmet needs survey.

Share Your Feedback with LAND and NCCDD on the Innovations Waiver waitlist!

All month long, the LAND Registry of Unmet Needs Survey is available for you to respond. See here for more details.

Take the survey here!


Graphic for NCCDD's Self Advocate Discussion series.

 Register for NCCDD's Monthly Self-Advocate Discussion Series!

The NC Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD) will again sponsor a virtual monthly self-advocate discussion series. Discussions aim to emphasize the value of people with disabilities to build and maintain relationships with NC legislators and decision-makers while bridging relationships and a network among NC self-advocates. The webinars will be held monthly, every first Wednesday from 1 - 2 PM via Zoom.

Register for the series here!

Graphic for NCCDD' Scavenger Hunt

 *NEW DATE* Join us for a DD Awareness Scavenger Hunt on Wednesday, March 23rd from 1-2pm!

Come celebrate Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month with us by participating in a Scavenger Hunt!

Check NCCDD’s website or social media channels for the list of items to gather and then join us on Wednesday, March 23RD from 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. to show us what you found!  We will recognize the individual or individuals who find the most items! 

DDownload the item list here!

Register for the event here!

Graphic for NCCDD' Random Acts of Kindness

Share Random Acts of Kindness with Us from Wednesday, March 16 – Wednesday, March 23

Our disability community is gifted and enjoys sharing our gifts. By sharing a random act of kindness right where we are, we not only increase awareness of intellectual and other developmental disabilities, but we build community, too. 


NCCDD DD Awarness Month Write It Out Graphic


 “Write it Out” with NCCDD the Week of Wednesday, March 23 - Wednesday, March 30th!

Join the fun as we each write our own notes of appreciation from home and send them to friends, neighbors, and others in our communities.


NCCDD DD Awareness Month Documentary Showing GraphicEnjoy Our Documentary Showing and Discussion on Wednesday, March 30th at 1pm!

We will gather on the Zoom to view our own documentary, “An Accessible Life,” featuring NCCDD Chair, Bryan Dooley and NCCDD Council Member, Kay McMillan. Stay around after the film ends to have a conversation with each other. We will close out the month (one day early) and meet again on the Zoom Wednesday, March 30 at 1:00 for this time of celebration together. 

Register for the film showing here!


What does DD Awareness Mean to You?

We asked our Council Members to share a few thoughts on what DD Awareness Month meant to them. Here's what they had to say. 

DD Awareness Month Proclamation ScreenshotDevelopmental Disabilities Awareness Month Proclamation Signed by Governor Roy Cooper!

View the Proclamation here!



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North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities

Office Hours: 9AM-4PM Monday-Friday
1-800-357-6916 (Toll Free)
984-920-8200 (Office/TTY)
984-920-8201 (Fax)
This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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