The Youth Leadership Forum is back in person this year at NC State University! July 16 - 19, 2023
Youth LEAD NC is thrilled to announce that our delegate application is available for our
The North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities' public policy efforts are to promote public policy information that educates and informs the people we serve and key decision-makers. We support policies that encourage the integration between people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD), tho...
El NCCDD está contratando a un trabajador de salud comunitario bicultural y bilingüe (español/inglés) de medio tiempo
El NCCDD está contratando a un Trabajador de Salud Comunitaria Hispana Latina/o/x -- Soluciones Temporales para apoyar el trabajo del Concejo para desar...
NCCDD is hiring Hispanic Latina/o/x Community Health Worker -- Temporary Solutions to support the Council’s work to develop relationships an...