Past Initiatives
Name |
Ability Leadership Project of North Carolina (ALP-NC) |
Contractor |
Disability Rights North Carolina and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) |
Purpose |
The Ability Leadership Project of North Carolina (ALP-NC) initiative is a partnership between Disability Rights North Carolina and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) with NC stakeholders that designed an innovative and unique leadership development program for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD), family members and guardians, professionals, and other stakeholders to support advocacy for systems change in North Carolina. This initiative supports NCCDD's Goal 3 of the Council’s Five-Year Plan: Increase advocacy for individuals with I/DD. Watch a recorded presentation to the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities: Disability Rights North Carolina/Ability Leadership Project North Carolina (ALP-NC) Update and Launch Session Recap - Aug 28, 2020
For more information click here. |
Contact |
Corye Dunn, Director of Public Policy for Disability Rights of North Carolina, |
Name |
Adult Care Home Transition to the Community |
Contractor |
Disability Rights North Carolina |
Purpose |
This initiative will assist individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to transition from Adult Care Homes to homes of their own, with the appropriate services and supports. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Elaine Whitford, |
Name |
Advancing Strong Leaders |
Contractor |
University of Delaware |
Purpose |
Advancing Strong Leadership in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ASLiIDD) is a leadership development program for early career professionals in the intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) field in North Carolina. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Melissa Swartz, |
Name |
Advocacy Ambassador |
Contractor |
Mike Mayer, Monica Foster, Barton Cutter, Jonathan Ellis |
Purpose |
This group will work to obtain a current and accurate assessment of the state of self-advocacy in North Carolina and receive clear feedback from self-advocates about how the NCCDD can best support and advance the self-advocacy movement. Click here to read the final report from Nov 2014. |
Contact |
Melissa Swartz, |
Name |
COVID-19 Registry of Unmet Needs Relief |
Contractor |
First In Families of North Carolina. |
Purpose |
The COVID-19 Registry of Unmet Needs Relief initiative is designed to provide certain types of relief for individuals on the Registry of Unmet Needs whose unmet needs were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Archive on 12-Oct-2022 |
Contact |
Debby Torres, |
Name |
Cross-System Navigation in a Managed Care Environment |
Contractor |
i2i Center for Integrative Health |
Purpose |
The goal of this initiative is to develop recommendations for the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) about how individuals with I/DD and their families can best be supported to effectively navigate across various service systems (cross-system navigation) as DHHS moves toward implementation of Medicaid Transformation. Medicaid Transformation is NC's plan to transition the physical Medicaid program to managed care to improve overall service delivery and improve the integration of behavioral and I/DD healthcare and physical healthcare services. Archive on 12-Oct-2022 |
Contact |
Kelly Friedlander, MSW, MPA. |
Name |
Everybody Works NC |
Contractor |
North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities |
Purpose |
EveryBody Works NC sees inclusive, competitive employment as the best means to assure independence and quality of life for everyone in North Carolina regardless of their disability, substance misuse disorder history or economic status. A “real meaningful job” provides dignity, financial security and new social opportunities to those who face barriers to employment including as at- risk teens, people who are striving for or in recovery for substance misuse and people with intellectual/developmental or physical disabilities. |
Contact |
Name |
Employment LookBook |
Contractor |
Purpose |
Inclusive employment creates one workforce. It enhances the lives of people with and without disabilities and creates pathways to financial security, community living and self-determination - things we all work for. Within the disability community, there is an untapped pool of talented individuals who are determined, driven and ready to work. It has been proven that people with disabilities achieve equal or better job performance ratings while staying in their jobs longer. |
Contact |
Name |
Emergency Preparedness |
Contractor |
NC Department of Public Safety |
Purpose |
This initiative implemented and maintained a program that is inclusive of persons with I/DD and that builds capacity for disaster preparation, emergency response, and related procedures and systems. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Philip Woodward, |
Name | Employer Virtual Forum |
Contractor | |
Purpose |
Contact | Tamira White, |
Name |
Expansion of Employment Opportunities for People with I/DD |
Contractor |
Employment Services Coordinator: Patricia K. Keul, |
Purpose |
NCCDD engaged an Employment Services Coordinator to actively engage in opportunities to expand competitive, integrated employment and careers for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD). To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Travis Williams, |
Name |
Families Support: Coming of Age |
Contractor |
First In Families, NC |
Purpose |
Families Support will identify the barriers to accessing family support; develop recommendations for removing such barriers; and recommend systems change strategies that are cost-effective and consistent with the values that both families and self-advocates espouse. Click here to read the final report |
Contact |
Debby Torres, |
Name |
From Planning to Action: Integrated, Collaborative Care for People with I/DD |
Contractor |
The Arc of NC in partnership with Easter Seals/UCP and the Autism Society of North Carolina |
Purpose |
Primary care practices and providers have identified the need for access to colleagues with I/DD expertise to increase their competence and comfort in caring for children and adults with I/DD in their community. |
Contact |
Philip Woodward, |
Name |
Inclusive Advocacy Leadership Development (IALD)* |
Contractor |
Brandon Matthews, and Lauren Borchert, |
Purpose |
* Though inactive, the IALD initiative was integral to the Council’s investment in the Leadership Development Training Initiative and the NC Empowerment Network, an emerging statewide self-advocacy organization. This effort focused on several important areas of advocacy and leadership development, including: Advocacy Organizing and Leadership Training and Delivery. To read more, click here |
Contact |
Melissa Swartz, |
Name |
Inroads to Employment |
Contractor |
National Disability Institute, Washington, D.C. |
Purpose |
This initiative aims to expand on, and create new paid apprenticeships for individuals with I/DD, leading to integrated, competitive employment and career opportunities. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Travis E. Williams, |
Name |
Learning & Earning After High School |
Contractor |
Western Carolina University |
Purpose |
The Role of Transition Services in Raising Expectations and Attitudes for Students with Intellectual Disabilities. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Visit the Roads to Learning and Earning website at for more information. |
Name |
Medicaid Reform Stakeholder Engagement Group (SEG) |
Contractor |
National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) |
Purpose |
The NC Stakeholder Engagement Group (NC SEG) is a cross-disability advocacy initiative focusing on shaping the long-term support and service systems through meaningful engagement and dialogue with policymakers. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Melissa Swartz, |
Name |
Medical Health Homes |
Contractor |
Easter Seals, UCP in partnership with The Arc of NC |
Purpose |
This initiative works with stakeholders across the State to identify the needs and concerns of people with (intellectual and developmental disabilities) I/DD and their families, and gaps in the current systems of care, in order to develop recommendations that promote person centered collaborative care in the right setting at the right time. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Karen Luken, |
Name |
NCABLE Project Prosperity |
Contractor |
National Disability Institute, Washington, D.C. |
Purpose |
To increase public awareness and expand outreach efforts through training and education about NCABLE and other savings options available to people living with disabilities and their families. This initiative supports NCCDD's Goal 1 of the current Five Year Plan: Increase financial security through asset development for individuals with I/DD. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Travis E. Williams, |
Name |
NC Alliance of Direct Support Professionals |
Contractor |
Benchmarks |
Purpose |
This initiative established a local chapter of the National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) to advance the quality of the workforce that supports individuals with disabilities through increased competency, professionalism and a voice in decision-making. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Melissa Swartz, |
Name | NC Employment Collaborative |
Contractor | |
Purpose | This Initiative is focused on providing technical assistance, coordination and other support for the efforts of the Unified State Plan Committee. Using a Collective Impact Model of systems change to increase the percentage of positive employment outcomes for individuals with I/DD and other disabilities as lead departments under the Unified State Plan coordinate their activities to achieve their respective goals as defined in North Carolina’s Workforce Innovations and Opportunities Act Unified State Plan. To read more, click here. |
Contact | Tamira White, |
Name |
Partners in Policymaking |
Contractor |
Advocacy Institute, Inc. |
Purpose |
Partners in Policymaking is a nationally replicated, forward-thinking, cutting-edge leadership and disability advocacy training program for parents of school-aged children with developmental disabilities and adults with developmental disabilities. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Melissa Swartz, |
Name |
Project SEARCH |
Contractor |
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center |
Purpose |
Project SEARCH is a high school or young adult transition initiative which is a business-led, one-year, school-to-work program that combines classroom instruction, career exploration, and relevant job-skills training through strategically designed internships for students with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD). To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Susie Rutkowski, |
Name |
Reaching the Summit of Success |
Contractor |
University of Massachusetts |
Purpose |
This program will offer students with intellectual disabilities experiences and interactions with other students within the context of a typical college environment; integrated with access to the activities and services a college provides its students. Click here to read the Final Report from September 2015. |
Contact |
Cindy Thomas, |
Name |
Rethinking Guardianship: A Person-Centered Approach |
Contractor |
DHHS Division of Aging and Adult Services |
Purpose |
This program funded training, consultation and technical assistance to support the development of policies and practices, relative to guardianship and alternatives to guardianship, that advance integration, productivity, independence, integration, inclusion and self-determination for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD). Click here to read more. |
Contact |
Kate Walton, |
Name |
Safety and Security: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault |
Contractor |
The Rape Crisis Center of Coastal Horizons Center, Inc. |
Purpose |
The goal of this initiative is to increase the capacity and knowledge of domestic violence and/or sexual assault service providers for the needs of victims who have intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD). Click here to read more. |
Contact |
Emily Turner, RCC Supervisor,, 910-392-7185 |
Name |
Sibling Support |
Contractor |
First in Families of NC |
Purpose |
Sibling Support addressed the various needs and barriers that siblings of a person with an intellectual or other developmental disability face. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Melissa Swartz, |
Name |
Supported Living: Making the Difference |
Contractor |
Vaya Health |
Purpose |
This initiative launched a learning community around the work of the supported living initiative. To read more, click here. |
Contact |
Philip Woodward, Systems Change Manager, |
Name |
Upward to Financial Stability |
Contractor |
National Disability Institute, Washington, D.C. |
Purpose |
To provide education and training to spread financial awareness and conduct financial literacy training to individuals and families to raise expectations for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities to develop financial assets. As part of this initiative, a Financial Asset Development course was developed. This curriculum is available in Spanish: Ascenso hacia la Estabilidad Financiera and English: Upward to Financial Stability). As a resource to the community, this initiative also resulted in a community resource guide. The purpose of this community resource guide was to assist low-to moderate income families, along with organizations dedicated to serving them. In year three of this initiative, a cohort of Master Trainer’s was established to provide training to those interested in training others on the Upward to Financial Stability curriculum. To receive information on Master Trainers that are in your local area, please email the contact below. For more information, read the final report of this initiative or click here. |
Contact |
Travis E. Williams, |