2025 Self-Advocate Discussion Series
The Self-Advocate Discussion Series is hosted by North Carolina on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD) every third Wednesday of the month. The series aims to keep North Carolina self-advocates informed and engaged in discussion on topics of social and systems change. Series sessions are a time to connect with others with lived experience, share common interests, develop impact strategies for telling personal stories, and stay connected with the NCCDD community.
What you can expect:
- Self-advocate leaders and presenters;
- Engaging presentations and videos;
- Current topics of interest; and
- Community event announcements for self-advocates.
The webinars are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 1 pm ET.
Register here!
January 15, 2025: Planning for our Future
More people with disabilities are thinking about who will support them as they get older. More family members who are getting older are thinking about who will support their loved one with a disability as they both get older. Whether you are worried about the future or know exactly what future lies ahead for you, join us this session to share your story and hear from others. During this panel session, we will hear from individuals with intellectual or other developmental disabilities (I/DD), parents, and family members. We will have Future Planning experts and Benefits Specialists on hand to offer resources and answer questions. Watch the January video recording
February 19, 2025: Safely Interacting with Police
Learn what NCCDD is doing to train first responders, including law enforcement officers (police), on how to understand and interact appropriately with people with I/DD to reduce the chance of anyone getting injured or worse during these interactions. Also, learn tips for how people with I/DD and their caregivers can stay safe while interacting with law enforcement officers. Meet and talk with Dustin Chandler of the Interaction Advisory Group. Dustin is a former law enforcement officer, a current Emergency Medical Technician, and the father of a child with I/DD. He trains first responders on how to understand and interact appropriately with people with I/DD. Watch the February video recording
March 19, 2025: Organized Advocacy
Organized Advocacy is where relationships and advocacy come together. Join NCCDD to hear about the grassroots efforts of the disability rights movement. Come share a story about what organized advocacy is like today. We’ll discuss different types of advocacy - like the difference between educating and lobbying – and how sharing your story is important to improve communities for people with I/DD. Watch the March video recording
April 16, 2025: Transportation
Back by popular demand: Transportation and travel for people with disabilities! We will talk about ground, water, and air transportation, as well as public, private, accessible, and community-supported transportation systems. We will hear from experts who will share experiences, insights, and advocacy tips. As always, we’ll have time to hear from YOU! What does ideal transportation mean to you as a self-advocate? What do you need more of when it comes to getting around and going where you want to and when you want to go? If you are passionate about improving transportation and traveling for people with disabilities in North Carolina, please join us. REGISTER TODAY!
May 21, 2025: Adulting with I/DD
Mainstream sources say that “adulting” means to behave in an adult manner, engage in activities associated with adulthood, and attend to the ordinary tasks required of a responsible adult. In this session, guests and attendees with I/DD will share some of their adulting stories related to relationships, working, playing, and just plain living. Have you used a “bailout plan” on a date? Has a stranger ever asked you personal questions that started with “Because you have a disability…?" Do you have a story about your first or best kiss? Join us and share your stories about adulting as a person with I/DD. REGISTER HERE
June 18, 2025: Art - Direct Benefits and Advocacy Tool
Art is a powerful tool for advocacy. In this session, we will be joined by professionals in the arts who are also self-advocates. Join us and learn how you can use your own creative gifts to showcase the value of people with disabilities through art. REGISTER HERE
July 16, 2025: ADA 35th Anniversary
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990 by President George H.W. Bush. Throughout the year and on the ADA Anniversary (July 26), the ADA National Network recognizes this landmark event and the important work to promote equal opportunity for people with disabilities. Joni us to celebrate, share, and learn. REGISTER HERE
August 20, 2025: Assistive Technology
This session will be led by the North Carolina Assistive Technology Program (NCATP). The NCATP is a state and federally funded program that provides assistive technology services statewide to people of all ages and abilities. NCATP leads North Carolina's efforts to carry out the federal Assistive Technology Act of 2004 by providing device demonstration, short-term device loans, and reutilization of assistive technology. NCATP promotes independence for people with disabilities through access to technology. REGISTER HERE
September 17, 2025: Getting Active in Advocacy
This session is dedicated to North Carolina Disability Leadership Training Graduates. Join leaders with lived experience from the Ability Leadership Program of North Carolina, I/DD Peer Mentor Training Program, and members of the NC Advocacy Leaders Network (graduates from PIP, ASL, LEND, GRIP, STIR, and more) who will be spotlighted to share their stories about the training they have participated in and the advocacy experiences they engaged after training. Please join us to hear from some of the state’s finest and most successful advocacy leaders. REGISTER HERE
October 15, 2025: Topic to be determined
November 19, 2025: Topic to be determined
December 17, 2025: Topic to be determined
Video Recordings of Prevision Discussions
Visit our YouTube Channel to view videos of all of our Self-Advocate Discussion Series webinars.