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Community Living Mini-Grants

In 2023, NCCDD awarded seven Community Living Mini-Grants initiatives to organizations that proposed doing activities to advance NCCDD’s Community Living goal and support systems change activities or build capacity to enable individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD) to live full and meaningful lives in the community. These seven initiatives started around January 1, 2024 and will continue until September 30, 2024.

List of Initiatives and Contractors


Autism Grown Up: The purpose of this initiative is to create three courses to establish the Life Course Library through which individuals with I/DD, and particularly autistic individuals across life stage, will have access to more tools in transition and lifespan planning. Activities achieved include:

  • All three courses are complete: Foundation to Transition Planning, Preparing for Life After High School, and Navigating Adulthood.
  • Reviewers completed the courses, and Autism Grown Up incorporated their feedback.
  • The Life Course Library is now available on its own website: www.LifeCourseLibrary.com for everyone to access for free.

Best Buddies International, Inc.: The purpose of this initiative is to provide opportunities for training, experiential learning, and corporate mentorships to transition-aged youth with I/DD to build their capacity to live more successfully in the community. Activities achieved include:

  • Recruited and hired a Transitions Program Manager who has started building relationships with schools.
  • Provided 22 Pre-Employment Transition Services for students with I/DD ages 14-22.
  • Facilitated summer programming with the Next Steps Clubhouse.
  • Working to partner with three schools to engage approximately 25 students with I/DD for the fall of 2024.

Bloom Fitness Corporation: The purpose of this initiative is to increase personal health and wellness for adults with I/DD in the building of a highly accessible fitness app specifically designed for and by adults with I/DD. Activities achieved include:

  • The fitness app is available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Bloom Fitness completed the script for a step-by-step video tutorial on how to use the app. The Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst supported the creation to allow Bloom Fitness address as many behavioral and communication needs as possible.

Chapters Ahead Inc.: The purpose of this initiative is to develop a systematic approach for establishing Next Chapter Book Clubs in North Carolina to provide opportunities for people with I/DD to read together in a community setting and develop peer support/friendships. Activities achieved include:

  • Established a Next Chapter Book Club at Wingate University.
  • Initiated conversations with three universities that have an Inclusive Post-Secondary Education program about establishing a Book Club.

East Carolina University: The purpose of this initiative is to create a checklist to address the transportation needs of individuals with I/DD to support and increase successful community living in the community of their choice. The checklist will be used by people with I/DD, occupational therapists, other healthcare providers, family members of people with I/DD, and others who can use the tool to identify skills, abilities, and challenges that are enhancers or barriers to effective community mobility. Activities achieved include:

  • Drafted three separate checklists (one each for these three conditions: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Developmental Disorder, Physically Impaired Developmental Disorders) that have been reviewed by occupational therapy experts and members of the I/DD community.
  • Each of the checklists will be available electronically and will be available in Spanish.
  • Once someone completes on the electronic version, results will categorize as “strengths” and “challenges” and can be used for setting intervention goals.

The National Leadership Consortium, an Affiliate of CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership: The purpose of this initiative is to conduct a review of organizations fully or predominantly providing community living services in order to understand the strategies, structures, and practices that advance community living opportunities for people with I/DD, with the overarching goal of increasing community living for people with I/DD through enhancing access to essential elements of community living, including community housing, transportation, and healthcare, and by building the knowledge of professionals, people with I/DD, and families about the characteristics and strategies of organizations that provide fully inclusive supports. Activities achieved include:

  • Completed in-depth interviews and focus groups with five organizations providing services across the state to learn about the practices, structures, service models, and innovations that promote and enable community living supports for people with I/DD.
  • Analyzed all of the data collected (including survey data, interview and focus group data, and organizational documents such as mission, vision, and values statements; policies; employee handbooks and more) and used the results of this analysis to provide information in a draft report about what works for community living in North Carolina.

ZABS Place: The purpose of this initiative is to enhance the development and implementation of ZABS Place’s Dream Link Skill Development Tracker and Job Placement Portal to help more individuals with I/ DD participate in transition and lifespan planning by offering them the training and resources to gain and improve transferrable employment skills, connect with inclusive employers, and increase the likelihood of them being hired and retained for a job that fits with their career goals. Activities achieved include:

  • Rolled out the Dream Link Skill Development Tracker in its Beta phase.
  • Onboarded 29 trainees with I/DD to use the Dream Link Skill Builder. Each trainee has mastered at least one skill, and two trainees have already mastered at least four skills.
  • The visual elements (pictures and videos) within the portal have proved to be helpful for non-verbal trainees. Coaches have utilized these features effectively to create clear to-do lists, aiding trainees in building their skills.
  • Seven successful job placements, including one placement resulting from the Beta version of a visual resume.
  • Collected an employment success story for NCCDD to share during National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Who can I contact for questions?

NCCDD: Philip Woodward, Systems Change Manager, [email protected]

Additional Resources

Download a PDF of the list of Community Living Mini-Grants



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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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