The Raleigh Mayor's Committee for Persons With Disabilities presented the "2018 Media Award for Print" to Carolina Parent in acknowledgement of the magazine's coverage of issues related to families dealing with disabilities and special needs issues during a banquet held Oct. 30 at the Raleigh Brownstone/DoubleTree by Hilton in Raleigh. The committee hosted the banquet to recognize local employers, businesses, agencies and individuals that reveal an understanding of the value and full meaning of access to employment, business, local government services and the community, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The 2018 banquet, chaired by committee member Tara Waters, was themed “The Journey and the Joys of Disability Advocacy,” with North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities Public Policy Analyst Erika Hagensen as the featured speaker. ABC 11's Joel Brown served as master of ceremonies.
Awards were presented in the following categories, and winners are listed for each (some categories have multiple winners):
Carolina Parent Publisher Katie Reeves accepts the 2018 Media Award for Print from Banquet Committee Chair Tara Waters.Carolina Parent was recognized for its annual inclusion of special needs-themed feature stories and resource directories in the April and Education Guide issues; as well as for offering digital coverage of special needs issues in the website's Special Needs section and Special Needs Resources directory.
"As a community, it is important that we support people with disabilities so they can function to the highest level possible," says Carolina Parent Publisher Katie Reeves. "For many, this begins in childhood. Educating and engaging parents is critical. We are honored to be recognized for our efforts by the Mayors Committee for Persons With Disabilities."
The original article ran in Carolina Parent on October 31, 2018.