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Advocacy Development Committee Minutes, Nov 2019

Advocacy Development Committee
Thursday, November 7, 2019
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Hilton Garden Inn, Cary, NC

Members Present: Eric Chavis, Bryan Dooley, Katie Holler, Gary Junker, Kelly Kimple, Jamilla Little, Cheryl Powell, Nessie Siler, Sara Smith (for Mary Edwards/Karey Perez), Donna Spears, Deborah Zuver

Members Absent: NaKima Clark, Rep. Verla Insko,

Staff in Attendance: Melissa Swartz, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez,

Guests:  Corye Dunn, Dave Owen; Kay McMillan, Jessica (KM DSP), Anna (DS DSP); David Taylor, Jr., Karen Hamilton, Sierra Royster, Francesca (NS DSP)


The Advocacy Development Committee started with self-introductions and welcomed new members: Donna Spears and Sara Smith, alternate for Mary Edwards/Karey Perez from Division of Aging and Adult Services.

Approval of Minutes:

Donna Spears made a motion to approve the August 2019 Advocacy Development Committee (ADC) minutes. Eric Chavis seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

Status Update: Inclusive Leadership Development Training Initiative

Corye Dunn, Policy Director of Public Policy at DRNC and Leadership Development Training initiative coordinator provided a status update on initiative activities and next steps. Corye also led the ADC through a curriculum session on networks/network building and demonstrated how initiative staff adjusted curriculum tools for better fit of participant needs.

Future investments/Potential Sole Source: Youth Lead NC

Deb Zuver made a motion to approve the Youth Leadership Forum and initiative as a sole-source contract to Youth LEAD NC as the Project Administrator.  Youth LEAD NC will submit to the Executive Committee a detailed application and budget for their final review and the Executive Committee will have the authority to approve funding based on available funds. Donna Spears seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Bryan Dooley recused himself on basis of continued engagement with the YLF/Youth LEAD NC board members.

Request to Release RFA: Justice: Release, Reentry, and Reintegration

ADC members opened discussion by addressing 3 question/comment cards from the 1pm session. Discussion continued in address of questions and comments by ADC members. Department of Safety (DPS) agency representatives, Dr. Gary Junker and Jamilla Little were integral in the committee’s decision to delay the RFA release date to accommodate an October 1st start date.

The delay will be used to accommodate RFA edits to the background and deliverable narratives, as well as provide DPS agency representatives the opportunity to present and prepare appropriate DPS “access”- authorizing personnel.

Edits will include, for example:

  • Increase from 60% to 75% of initiative participants with I/DD
  • Narrative clarifying DPS’s existing process for identifying intellectual and other developmental disabilities.
  • Additional and more specific data markers
  • Language identifying layers of regulation

NCCDD members will receive the revised Justice: Release, Reentry, and Reintegration RFA in advance of the February quarterly council meeting to re-engage discussion and consider the request for release to accommodate an October 1st initiative start date.

Initiative Update: NC Empowerment Network

The committee received an initiative update from Cheryl Powell, NCEN Chair about the NC Empowerment Network. The NCEN is making progress according to their contracted scopes of work. Specifically, the NCEN Board of Directors anticipates engaging in training with the OH Project STIR prior to the next NCCDD quarterly meeting.

Deb Zuver made the motion to adjourn. Eric Chavis seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned.



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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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