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Financial Asset Development Committee Minutes, May 2019

Financial Asset Development
FINAL Minutes
May 9, 2019
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Hilton Garden Inn, Raleigh, NC

Members Present: Amanda Bergen, Kathy Trotter (for Chris Egan), Myron Gavin, Ryan Rotundo, Dan Smith, Teresa Strom (for vacant) Sherry Thomas (and alternate Dreama McCoy), Kelly Woodall-Beauchamp  

Members Absent: Dawn Allen, Anna Cunningham, William Miller, Wing Ng, Dave Richard

Guests: Brian Beauchamp

Staff/Contractors: Beth Butler, David Ingram, Pat Keul, Marquita Robertson, Travis Williams, Yadira Vasquez


Amanda Bergen called the committee into session and reviewed the agenda and the February meeting minutes. As there was no quorum at the onset of the meeting, no vote was taken. Then, at 3:29 PM Amanda Bergen made a motion to approve the February Committee meeting minutes.  Ryan Rotundo seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.


Inroads to Employment Initiative:

Pat Keul presented to the FADC an update on the three components of the Inroads to Employment Initiative.  For the apprenticeship component, apprenticeship one, that covers the Your Local Greens apprenticeship in Burlington NC the following was shared:  In November 2018 an apprenticeship application was filed with NC Apprenticeship.  In January 2019 Partners drafted the curriculum for hydroponics lesson plans/modification of horticulture lessons.  In April 2019 Disability: IN North Carolina (DI-NC) received permission to add supplementary training to NCWorks Working Smart Curriculum.  From May to August 2019 the contractors project to finish lesson plans and conduct student recruitment.  Start of this Apprenticeship is projected for Fall 2019 or Spring 2020.  Regarding apprenticeship two, the feeding assistance apprenticeship at Well Spring Retirement Center, three candidates have been identified.  Well Spring will hire at least two candidates this month.  And they plan to begin apprenticeship training in June of 2019.  Activities planned for 2019-2020 include seeking CNA program to register with NC Apprentices for the feeding assistant role.  Regarding the third apprenticeship for this component, discussions are still ongoing to locate a third business partner for a third career area of focus.  DI-NC has been in ongoing discussions with K-64 to expand or modify the Furniture Academy Upholstery apprenticeship to increase disability inclusion.  As well as exploring opportunities with an automotive accessories company about a potential apprenticeship in electrical automotive services.  In summary the search continues for the third apprenticeship to be identified by the end of the second year of this initiative, February 28, 2020.

Regarding Component two Pre-Employments Transition Services (Pre-ETS) Program 1, DI-NC assisted Cleveland County Schools (CCS) to write and submit proposal Pre-Employment Training Services grant to NC Vocational Rehabilitation in mid-April 2018.  This proposal was funded and began serving students in January 2019. 

Approximately 60 students will receive Pre-ETS services through the READY Program.

Surveys are underway to evaluate student’s perception of the impact of the program.

CCS is preparing to serve over 100 students in the READY program in 2019-20. 

Concerning Pre-ETS program 2, DN-NC is currently providing technical assistance to K-64 at Catawba Vocational Community College (CVCC) in Catawba County to draft a Pre-Employment Training Services proposal to submit to NC Vocational Rehabilitation in mid-May or June 2019.  The proposal will serve 3 public school systems:  Catawba County Schools, Hickory Public Schools, and Newton-Conover City Schools.  If awarded, funding for this program will start in January 2020 and will serve 50 plus students.  DI-NC Surveys will be conducted to evaluate student’s perception of the impact of the program. Statistics will be gathered on the post-secondary outcomes of these students as they exit high school.  CCS is preparing to serve over 100 students in the READY program in 2019-20.

Regarding Component Three for this initiative, DI-NC will be partnering with CommunAbility.  CommunAbility is a mentoring program that matches business mentors to students or young adults with disabilities for mentoring sessions that take place throughout their senior year in high school, technical training, college or university. DI-NC is currently recruiting business mentors for CommunAbility program.

North Carolina Employment Collaborative:

Beth Butler reviewed initiative goals, the work plan for the next year, and outlined DI-NC’s collective impact approach that will focus on providing technical assistance, coordination, and other support for the efforts of the Unified State Plan Committee to increase the percentage of positive employment outcomes for individuals living with I/DD and other disabilities.  A review of areas that show strong potential for impacting the lives of individuals living with disabilities included alternatives to career training, coordination of services among participating agencies, expanding career centers, and increased partnership between the Department of Commerce, the Department of Health Human Services, the Department of Public Instruction and the North Carolina Community College System.  DI-NC outlined how current efforts are focused on identification of DI-NC Employment Collaborative Business Advisory Council (BAC) members that will help inform and guide subsequent activities of the initiative.  The membership of this council includes Business Leaders and Self-Advocates, Government Agencies, Post-Secondary Education, and Workforce Development representatives.  Subsequent activities after the formation of the BAC will involve design of state employment work plan, alignment of workplan activities across multiple agencies, and identification of common data collection systems and metrics to align efforts across the state.

Update on Project Prosperity NCABLE Initiative:

Marquita Robertson reported on the progress of this initiative.  Stating that several planning meetings have taken place to discuss the roles of participating partners. Marquita outlined four core opportunities for promotion of NCABLE.  Including live presentations or trainings, live and on demand webinars, literature and leave behinds, and overview vignettes.  Other highlights included plans to update to the Upward to Financial Stability Curriculum that will include a full module on NCABLE.  Marquita highlighted a plan to mainstream NCABLE, using outreach activities with transitional services, financial institutions, Exceptional Children’s Programs, and conferences and conventions.

Financial Updates

Yadira Vasquez provided an update to the committee members.  Yadira explained that funds for new initiatives total 242,500.00 but that amount may go or down over the next few months.  There were no questions from the members.

New Initiative Discussions

Amanda Bergen transitioned the conversation into a one on Future Investments, asking Travis Williams to take lead on reviewing the SWOT Analysis and Future Investment Ideas handouts included in their Council Packets. Discussion on these topics ensued.

After new initiative discussions Dreama McCoy made a motion to pursue research on the following areas:

  1. Benefits counseling expansion
  2. Research and evaluate community college programs for students living with I/DD that emphasize the following areas: job specialized training, life skills, communication and soft skills
  3. Research the potential feasibility for a parent peer workbook that emphasizes resources for students living with I/DD that are transitioning from non-college track courses of study. And addresses education of parents regarding increased expectations regarding competitive integrated employment.

Ryan Rotundo seconded the motion.  The motion passed with unanimous vote.

Wrap up and Reminders 

Amanda Bergen reminded committee members to turn in their travel and that the next Council meeting will be held in Cary NC, August 8th and 9th, 2019 at the Hilton Garden Inn.

Kelly Woodall-Beauchamp made a motion to adjourn.  Myron Gavin seconded the motion.  Amanda Bergen adjourned the meeting at 5:05 pm.



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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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