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Advocacy Development Committee Minutes, May 2018

Advocacy Development Committee
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Hilton Garden Inn, Cary, NC

Members Present: Eric Chavis, Bryan Dooley, Mary Edwards, Gary Junker, Danielle Matula, Cheryl Powell, Daniel Smith, Deborah Zuver

Members Absent: NaKima Clark, Jason Faircloth, Katie Holler, Rep. Verla Insko, Nessie Siler

Staff in Attendance: Chris Egan, Douglas Stoll, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez

Guests:  Dave Owen

Welcome and Introductions:

Acting Committee Chairperson Cheryl Powell called the meeting to order, and welcomed all members, including new members, and guests.

Approval of Minutes:

Mary Edwards made a motion to approve the February 2018 Advocacy Development Committee (ADC) minutes. Dan Smith seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

Initiative Update North Carolina Empowerment Network (NCEN):

Bryan Dooley, Chair of the NC Empowerment Network and Cheryl Powell, member of the NCEN, provided a brief status update of the emerging organization’s activities toward reestablishing a recognized state-wide self-advocacy organization. Work continues to establish the organizational structure necessary for success to complete the NCEN’s Policies & Procedures Manual, with technical support provided by NCCDD temporary staff member Douglas Stoll. The NCEN successfully completed a panel at the March 24 Self-Advocacy Conference in Winston-Salem, with a significant amount of community engagement. Deb Zuver and Eric Chavis attended the conference and confirmed the success of the panel, mentioning the promising partnerships between NCEN and other community organizations such as the Greensboro Self-Advocates.

Selection Committee Recommendation:

Cheryl Powell opened discussion about the Leadership Development Training RFA and the Review Committee’s recommendation. Bryan Dooley recused himself because he is board member with Disability Rights NC. The members discussed the Review Committee’s recommendation of Disability Rights NC being the recipient and their proposed contingencies:

  • Further describe/establish a process for fidelity to the training model and on-going quality assurance of the training over time – and what that process will be.
  • Better define goals that are measurable to know that participants are achieving leadership skills outcomes.
  • Disability Rights will more clearly identify cohort-specific outcomes (individuals with I/DD, family members, and professionals) to apply in their environment/community.

Further discussion followed between new member Gary Junker and Chris Egan and Douglas Stoll to explain the history of Council-supported advocacy development programs in the past, as well as the development process of this particular RFA.

MOTION: Mary Edwards made a motion for the Advocacy Development Committee to accept the Review Committee’s recommendation of Disability Rights NC as the recipient, with all included contingencies. Eric Chavis seconded the motion. With Bryan Dooley’s recusal, the motion was unanimously approved.

Draft RFA Discussion - NC ADA Network Coordination, Technical Assistance and Fiscal Intermediary:

Chris Egan opened discussion about the RFA draft of the NC ADA Network Coordination, Technical Assistance and Fiscal Intermediary initiative. Members asked questions about and discussed the activities of the initiative. Chris provided information about the history of the unique structure of the current In-House NC ADA Network initiative and the external NC ADA Network Fiscal Agent/Intermediary role. Members discussed the possibility of increasing funding for this RFA. Yadira Vasquez and JoAnn Toomey provided information regarding limited available funds. Members suggested that the committee recommend increased resources after year one, based on the activities and accomplishments of the initiative.

MOTION: Dan Smith made a motion for staff of the Council to have authority to release the RFA regarding the NC ADA Network Coordination, Technical Assistance and Fiscal Intermediary initiative, in an amount up to $125,000 per year with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds for a period of up to three years, with an added consideration for increased funding after year one. In addition, Council staff will have authority to extend the due date for applications, if necessary.   Eric Chavis seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Future Investments Update:

Chris Egan provided a status update on the Council’s 5-Year State Plan targeted disparity objective, specifically outreach and inclusion of North Carolina’s Hispanic and Latino communities. Translation services will be provided by the Council’s communications contractor. Members expressed support for an in-house initiative through Temporary Solutions for the Council to secure the insight and experience of a qualified member of these communities to better inform the Council in developing this initiative further.


Motion to adjourn was made by Mary Edwards. The motion was seconded by Gary Junker. The motion was approved.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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