Advocacy Development Committee Minutes, February 2018

Advocacy Development Committee
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Hilton Garden Inn, Cary, NC

Members Present: Bryan Dooley Eric Chavis, Mary Edwards, Jason Faircloth, Kelly Kimple, Cheryl Powell, Nessie Siler, Daniel Smith, Deborah Zuver

Members Absent: NaKima Clark, Katie Holler Rep. Verla Insko,  

Staff in Attendance: Melissa Swartz, Chris Egan, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez, Douglas Stoll (intern)

Guests:  Rusty Bradstock, DiAngelo, Kay MacMillan, Hannah, Dave Owen,

Welcome and Introductions:

Committee Chairperson Nessie Siler called the meeting to order, and welcomed all members, including new members, and guests.

Approval of Minutes:

Eric Chavis made a motion to approve the November 2017 Advocacy Development Committee minutes. Cheryl Powel seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

Initiative Update North Carolina Empowerment Network (NCEN)

Bryan Dooley, Chair of the NC Empowerment Network (NCEN) provided a status update of the emerging organization’s activities toward reestablishing a recognized state-wide self-advocacy organization. Since November 30th the NCEN held three (3) meetings of the full board and seven (7) meetings of the executive committee. Accomplishments this quarter include identifying officers; establishing and implementing three (3) subcommittees: The Policy and Procedure Manual committee; Partners and Collaborators committee; and the Membership and Standards committee. The NCEN also accepted an invitation to present a panel at the March 24, 2018 Self-Advocacy Conference in Winston-Salem.

In addition, the NCEN discussed the differing opinions posed by NCCDD members about the logo used by the NCEN. In reminder, at the November meeting, the NCCDD Advocacy Development Committee discussed issues presented via input/feedback cards that the raised/clenched fist logo might generate controversy.

Per the Advocacy Development Committee, a summary offering a balanced representation of information regarding the historical use of this logo was developed by NCCDD staff and member representatives and presented to the NCEN board by Nessie Siler, ADC chair and NCEN member on November 30th. Discussion continued January 18th and January 31st with consensus reached and statement approved on the 31st.

NCCDD member and NCEN Chair, Bryan Dooley presented to the ADC a statement prepared by the NCEN Board. In excerpt:

The NCEN board takes your feedback very seriously…  After a great deal of [discussion and] thought, we …will continue to use the current logo … but we will continue to assess the response to this logo...  [and] engage … a formal assessment of the response to this logo and possible replacement of the logo.  

The first opportunity for assessment will be at the March 24th self-advocacy conference in Winston-Salem where along with conducting a panel to give information, the NCEN will survey the self-advocate audience on many items, including the organization’s branding.

Draft RFA Discussion: ADA Network Fiscal Agent/Intermediary initiative

Chris Egan opened discussion about the RFA Draft for the ADA Network Fiscal Agent/Intermediary initiative. Members asked questions about and discussed the activities of the ADA Network initiative. Chris provided information about the history of the unique structure of the in-house ADA Network initiative and Fiscal Agent/Intermediary role.

MOTION: Mary Edwards made a motion for staff of the Council to have authority to release the RFA regarding the NC ADA Network-Fiscal Agent/Intermediary initiative, in an amount up to $40,000 per year with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds for a period of up to three years.  In addition, Council staff will have authority to extend the due date for applications, if necessary.   Eric Chavis seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by unanimous/majority vote.

Draft RFA Discussion: Leadership Development Training

Nessie Siler opened discussion about the Leadership Development Training…draft RFA. ADC committee members emphasized the importance of RFA features including multiple location trainings, self-advocate lead roles, and use of technology.   Deb Zuver recommended and members agreed that verbiage revision to include terms/descriptors: interactive learning and universal design in appropriate places determined by staff and intern Douglas Stoll. Mary Edwards recommended and members agreed that the successful contractor provide a status update/report at every meeting of the ADC after the contract starts.

MOTION: Deb Zuver made a motion for staff of the Council to have authority to release the RFA regarding the Leadership Development Training initiative, with the funding level to be offered within the range of $150,000 up to $195,000 per year with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds for a period of up to three years.  In addition, Council staff will have authority to extend the due date for applications, if necessary.   Cheryl Powell seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by unanimous/majority vote.

Application Review Committee Member Recommendations

Melissa Swartz discussed the review process for applications received in response to RFAs. Review committees formed with Council members, stakeholders, and topic experts come together for an orientation and discussion meeting.  Members reviewed and gave input to application review committee member recommendations.

Fiscal Report

Yadira Vasquez, NCCDD Business Officer provided an overview of the Advocacy Development Committee initiative budgets.

Future Investments Update

Melissa provided a status update on address of the Council’s 5-Year State Plan targeted disparity objective, specifically outreach and inclusion of the Hispanic/Latino disability community. To date, only one NCCDD member responded to requests for volunteers for the workgroup for the development of a NCCDD Language Access Plan (LAP). Members offered suggestions for generating interest and forward movement including a panel presentation to the Council and/or considering an initiative to “jump start” progress.


Motion to adjourn was made by Mary Edwards. The motion was seconded by Cheryl Powell. The motion was approved.