Financial Asset Development Committee Minutes, February 2018
Financial Asset Development
DRAFT Minutes
February 8th, 2018
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Hilton Garden Inn, Cary, NC
Members Present: Karen Armstrong, Kelly Woodall Beauchamp, Amanda Bergen, Anna Cunningham, Bryan Dooley, Myron Gavin, Dreama McCoy (for William Hussey) Alex McArthur, Will Miller, Jim Swain (for Tara Myers), Paula Woodhouse
Members Absent: Teresa Strom (for Wayne Black), Senator Valerie Foushee, Dave Richard
Guests: Brian Beauchamp, Brittany Mangham
Staff/Contractors:Jennifer Bosk, Kate McMillan, David Ingram, Yadira Vasquez, Travis Williams
Committee Chair, Amanda Bergen, welcomed the members and called the meeting to order. She introduced an ice breaker exercise then asked everyone to go around the table and introduce themselves. Minutes from the November 2, 2017 committee meeting were reviewed.
MOTION: Jim Swain made a motion to accept the minutes from the November 2, 2017 committee meeting. Will Miller seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Fiscal Report
Yadira Vasquez gave the fiscal report to the members and reviewed the detailed report on each initiative funded out of the Financial Asset Development Committee. Members did not have questions and they thanked Yadira for her update.
Updates and Motion Items
Conversation on intent, concept, and evolution of Employment Collaborative and Employment Services Website RFA:
Amanda Bergen continued to fielded questions from committee members regarding the Employment Collaborative and Employment Services Website RFA. Overwhelming consensus was reached that the committee could not support this RFA as it is currently written and requested that it be rescinded. The committee highlighted the need for a more local, targeted approach to providing employment related services and supports information, with specific outreach focused on bridging the gap between the business community and jobseekers as being preferable to a web site. Travis Williams recommended that committee members review the summary in their folders which described an “employment hub concept” for transition focused efforts in New York City. Efforts were also described by Travis for a similar approach currently underway in rural areas of Virginia. Committee requested that staff complete more research in this area.
MOTION: Myron Gavin made a motion that the I/DD Employment Collaborative and Informational Website initiative as it is currently written be rescinded, and that Council staff conduct research on a more community focused targeted approach, to increasing competitive integrated employment for individuals living with I/DD and other disabilities. Specifically, the Financial Asset Development Committee members requested research focus on an employment hub concept that would serve the needs of self-advocates, family members and advocates, as well as the business community. The Financial Asset Development Committee requested that Council staff report results of research and present findings at the May 2018 Council Meeting. Jim Swain seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Upward to Financial Stability Initiative/NDI Update on Expansion Activity:
Travis Williams gave an update on the National Disability Institute (NDI) initiative, Upward to Financial Stability expansion activities. Travis discussed the expansion activities that include outreach to the Latino population in the state and he handed out a sheet with descriptions and dates for the expansion activities. NDI is on target to complete all expansion activities by June 2018 and they have started their four-part webinar series. They are translating into Spanish some of the materials, including worksheets – but not the curriculum because there are so many pieces that change from year to year. NDI does not want to produce incorrect information or information that is constantly changing.
Their train-the-trainer events this year will occur over two days and will occur in Raleigh on March 7-8, 2018. The people trained must take the information back to their community to the people who need this information and they will track who becomes Master Trainers and any technical issues that come up. The extension of this initiative runs until the end of June 2018.
Questions and discussion occurred regarding this NDI initiative and the members thanked Travis for the update.
Update on Contract Development for Innovative Employment: Making Inroads to Employment Initiative:
Travis Williams provided an update to the Financial Asset Development Committee regarding progress NCBLN is making on their contract, which is set to begin on March 1st, 2018.
Future Concept Discussions
Travis Williams, along with Amanda Bergen continued discussion and review of the “To help students with disabilities transition to adulthood, New York City is opening new resource hubs in every borough” article. Information was shared on Virginia’s similar program which will focus on filling the gaps in transition services in their rural areas.
Wrap Up and Reminders
Amanda Bergen read a comment card from earlier in the afternoon; “What is the feasibility of locating temp agencies that specialize in working with individuals living with disabilities?” Comment was made that explained such an arrangement would allow employers to try out potential hires before they hire them. The second comment submitted on the comment card for the FADC, “Could we be partnering with all or some of the colleges or universities in the area to gather data on employment for people living with disabilities?” That card also suggested that a graduate student could be recruited to assist with data collection.
Amanda reminded the members to fill out tax forms and to look for an electronic survey that will be sent out next week. The next meeting will be May 10-11, 2018.
Paula Woodhouse made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kelly Beauchamp seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Amanda Bergen adjourned the meeting at 5:00 PM.