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Financial Asset Development Committee Minutes, May 2017

Financial Asset Development
DRAFT Minutes
May 11, 2017
3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Hilton Garden Inn, Cary, NC

Members Present: Karen Armstrong, Amanda Bergen, Adonis Brown, Anna Cunningham, Bryan Dooley, Myron Gavin, Jack Rogers, Jim Swain, Kelly Woodall, Paula Woodhouse

Members Absent: Bill Hussey, Dave Richard

Guests: David Owen, Brian Beauchamp

Staff/Contractors: Donna Gallagher, Pat Keul, Devika Rao, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez, Travis Williams


Committee Chair, Amanda Bergen, welcomed the members. She asked the members to participate in an ice-breaker where each member said who they might be if they were a character on Sesame Street. They introduced a new character with autism on April 10th.

MOTION: Jim Swain made a motion to accept the minutes from the February 9, 2017 committee meeting. Adonis Brown seconded the motion. Jim Swain asked that his comment read, “Mr. Swain said micro-enterprise was a former Council initiative, and the….”. Anna Cunningham said a correction to the February minutes should read, “Ms. Cunningham asked, ‘How do we provide better information through the entire lifespan?’.” Karen Armstrong abstained from voting on the February minutes because she participated in a different committee in February. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Initiative Updates

Expansion of Employment Opportunities for People with I/DD Initiative Employment Services Coordinator Pat Keul updated the committee on the initiative.

Element I: Apprenticeships and Pre-apprenticeships
Pat Keul said that certificates will be issued June 7th. Vaya Health has expressed interest in participating in the apprenticeships. There is still interest in a feeding assistants program. I/DD peer mentoring was discussed. Adonis Brown mentioned the program in Michigan.

Element II: Project SEARCH
Pat Keul said North Carolina has 14 Project SEARCH sites and there is hope to continue beyond NCCDD funding to expand new programs. There will be two new sites in 2017.

Element III: Statewide Employment Coalition
A group was brought together to discuss the issue of a Project SEARCH instructor and funding for the community college programs and identifying sustainable solutions. In three meetings, they were able to come to a decision and determined that a solution to match curriculum will be solved before the project ends. There is a lack of short term, on-demand information, i.e. google searches. A problem noted was who/where the information would be housed and it was suggested that maybe there could be a partnership with another agency. Anna Cunningham said we need to tie correct links to all initiatives.

Future ideas were discussed to strengthen employment opportunities. Pat Keul showed a slide on INReach and I/DD peer mentor apprenticeships and peer support specialists. I/DD peer mentoring is an emerging career as well as feeding assistants for senior care assistance. It may take a long time to develop but should stay in industries with growth potential. Anna Cunningham asked Pat Keul to put together a form in response to the ideas presented.

The members thanked Pat Keul for her update.

Upward to Financial Stability Initiative
Michael Roush of the National Disability Institute (NDI) called in. Donna Gallagher of The Collaborative was present at the meeting. There were four Train-the-Trainer sessions in March and were facilitated in Charlotte, Boone, Fayetteville and Raleigh. There were 156 registered and 96 trainers completed the two-day trainings. Five Master Trainers successfully completed their practicum. Michael Roush said that as of today 27 trainers have completed the follow-up reporting requirement to provide the training to others and that 416 individuals have participated in trainings by the 27 trainers. He also shared some of the personal stories of individuals from the classes that showed how the information provided was beneficial.

Donna Gallagher discussed the webinar topics for 2017 that included one on March 9th on the NC ABLE Program where 74 attended and another one on May 4th where 25 attended for the Youth in Transition and Financial Stability webinar. The final webinar will take place on August 3rd at 10:00 A.M. and the topic will be on Resource Mapping.

The Trainer Support Network meets monthly by phone and is comprised of trainers who come together to discuss best practices, challenges, and opportunities. These calls continue to take place the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 A.M.

Michael Roush then discussed the lessons learned and potential next steps for the Council to address. This included the need for accurate benefits planning information and access to benefits counselors, more in-depth education on integrated services, enhancing the knowledge of NC ABLE with diverse partners, training additional Master Trainers, translating the curriculum into Spanish and increasing education and awareness on competitive employment.

The members thanked Donna Gallagher and Michael Roush for the update.

Future Investments Discussion
Amanda Bergen asked the members to review and discuss the proposed RFAs and contract extension proposal that was in the May mailout under the Financial Asset Development Committee section.

MOTION:Kelly Woodall made a motion to approve a 9-month contract cost-extension to National Disability Institute for the Upward to Financial Stability/Spanish initiative. Funding is approved for an additional amount up to $60,000, with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($20,000). With this funding increase and contract extension, funding for Year 3 of 3 is $135,000 with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($45,000) for the period of October 1, 2016 to June 30, 2018. Myron Gavin seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

MOTION: Anna Cunningham made a motion for staff of the Council to have authority to draft the RFA regarding an Innovative Employment initiative, in an amount up to $100,000 per year with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds for a period of up to three years, for approval to release the RFA at the August 11, 2017 Council meeting. Adonis Brown seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

MOTION: Adonis Brown made a motion for staff of the Council to further research the potential of an in-house initiative regarding an I/DD Employment Resource Guide initiative in collaboration with Vocational Rehabilitation and other possible partnerships, for approval of funding at the August 11, 2017 Council meeting. Jim Swain, Bryan Dooley, and Kelly Woodall seconded the motion. Anna Cunningham left the room before the discussion of the initiative because she is on a board that may be interested in applying. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

MOTION:Paula Woodhouse made a motion for staff of the Council to research the creation of an in-house initiative regarding an “Access to Assets” Digital Lookbook initiative, or to include the digital lookbook in the NCCDD Communications initiative, in an amount up to $50,000 with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds (match requirement only if included in an external initiative) for a period of one year, for approval at the August 11, 2017 Council meeting. Kelly Woodall seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Wrap Up and Reminders: Anna Cunningham made the following recommendation reads as follows, "Whenever any NCCDD initiatives involving consumers, or family members, arrive at a decision point involving financial benefits or specialized financial knowledge, the Financial Asset Development Committee recommends cross-collaboration with the correct and competent sources appropriate to the situation as consumers and families are making life-impacting decisions." The committee agreed with Anna’s recommendation and it was referred to the Communications and Member Development Ad Hoc Committee.

Finally, the Financial Asset Development Committee recommends that the Communications and Member Development Ad Hoc Committee work in conjunction with O’Neill Communications to create a page on our website with links to information regarding fraud and other forms of financial crimes. The committee further recommends that this static page is promoted through the usual NCCDD social media outlets.

Amanda Bergen adjourned the meeting at 5:15 P.M.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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