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Advocacy Development Committee Minutes, November 2017

Advocacy Development Committee
Thursday, November 2, 2017
3:00 P.M. - 5:10 P.M.

Hilton Garden Inn, Cary, NC

Members Present: Eric Chavis, NaKima Clark, Mary Edwards, Jason Faircloth, Katie Holler, Danielle Matula, Cheryl Powell, Nessie Siler, Daniel Smith, Deborah Zuver

Members Absent: Rep. Verla Insko,

Staff in Attendance: Chris Egan, Melissa Swartz, Douglas Stoll (Intern), Yadira Vasquez

Guests: Lauren Borchert, Jennifer Bosk, Paula C., Brandon Matthews,

Welcome and Introductions:
Committee Chairperson Nessie Siler called the meeting to order, and welcomed all members, including new members, and guests.

Approval of Minutes:
Dan Smith made a motion to approve the August, 2017 Advocacy Development Committee minutes. Eric Chavis seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

Initiative Update Inclusive Advocacy Leadership Development Initiative (IALD):
Nessie Siler, chair provided an update of the NCCDD In-House Inclusive Advocacy Leadership Development Initiative (IALD). The two primary activities of the IALD are developing a NC Self-Advocate Collaborative, now identified as the NC Empowerment Network (NCEN) and an Inclusive Leadership Curriculum, now identified as Leadership Development Training. The IALD initiative planning year ends December 31, 2017. Details and next steps of these initiative activities follows.

Initiative Update North Carolina Empowerment Network
Nessie and Chery Powell provided an NC Empowerment Network (NCEN) status update including identification of the Registered Agent, Robert “Rusty” Bradstock, and details about the October 6th PATH strategic planning process with facilitator Cate Weir, and graphic artist Tanya Richmond. The NCEN aims to bring an investment proposal to the NCCDD at the February Council Meeting. The next meeting of the NCEN will be during the last week of November.

Regarding the NCEN logo, Advocacy Development Committee members received three input/feedback cards from the initiative update provided to the larger Council. The input/feedback cards indicated that the raised fist emblem in the NCEN logo generated a negative impression. Members of the ADC discussed the issues presented from the input/feedback cards and demonstrated that the logo did generate controversy. ADC, Cheryl and Nessie, who are also NCEN members, present NCCDD member concerns and other feedback to the full NCEN Membership at their next meeting and will provide a response to the NCCDD in February.

Initiative Update Leadership Development Training: Request to Draft a Request for Applications (RFA)
During its planning year, the leadership development training activity of the IALD initiative explored the plausibility of combining elements of NC ASL and PIP leadership training programs. The primary discussions of the steering committee included: growth and development; network-building/network activism; diversity within the context of disabilities; and program structure features. In addition, the steering committee created and distributed three (3) surveys to NCPIP and NCASL graduates, and other stakeholders of advocacy leadership training.

Douglas Stoll, NCCDD MSW intern presented the results of the 81 survey responses. Lauren Borchert and Brandon Matthews presented research results of the leadership training programs engaged by 50 U.S. Councils on Developmental Disabilities.

Based on the information shared by Douglas, Brandon, and Lauren, a Draft RFA for Leadership Development Training would minimally include the following:
1) An integrated approach that also accommodates respective groups to
have group-specific, concentrated training experiences; 2) A component regarding time and travel commitment to address minimal burden on participants; implementation in multiple areas of the state; 3) balanced structure including both online components and live, face to face sessions to ensure accessibility and relationship-building; 4) a robust evaluation component during implementation and after graduation; 5) strategy for maintaining contact with and among participants/graduates.

ADC members suggested that RFA development research include leadership training development programs initiated but no longer managed by Council’s (for example, Ohio Self Determination project). ADC members also suggested the RFA include a credentialing component.

Mary Edwards made a motion for staff of the Council to have authority to draft the RFA regarding the Leadership Development Training initiative, with the funding level to be offered within the range of $150,000 up to $195,000 per year with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds for a period of up to three years. Request for permission to release the RFA will occur at the February 9, 2018 Council meeting. Eric Chavis seconded. The motion was approved.

Initiative Update Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Network Fiscal Intermediary: Request to Draft a Request for Applications (RFA)
Based on the information provided to the larger Council during the Committee Draft RFA Discussions session. The Advocacy Leadership advanced a motion to draft and RFA for the ADA Network fiscal intermediary. An abbreviated recap of information about the ADA Network and fiscal intermediary includes:

  • The current NC ADA Network Fiscal intermediary initiative ends June 30, 2018.
  • A non-profit fiscal agent/intermediary is needed to distribute funds – reimbursements, cash advances – to the grassroots groups of the NC ADA Network to enable them to conduct advocacy projects and activities of the ADA Network.
  • The statewide network of grassroots groups made up of people with disabilities of the NC ADA Network initiative conducts projects/activities for raising awareness and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

    Dan Smith made a motion for staff of the Council to have authority to draft the RFA regarding the NC ADA Network-Fiscal Agent/Intermediary initiative, in an amount up to $40,000 per year with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds for a period of up to three years, for approval to release the RFA at the February 9, 2018 Council meeting. Approval to fund will occur at the May 11, 2017 Council meeting. Mary Edwards seconded. The motion was approved.

Fiscal Report
Yadira Vasquez, NCCDD Business Officer provided an overview of the Advocacy Development Committee initiative budgets.

Future Investments Discussion
Outreach: Hispanic/Latino Developmental Disability Community
Melissa provided a status update on address of the Council’s 5-Year State Plan targeted disparity objective, including address of outreach and inclusion of the Hispanic/Latino disability community in the applications submitted in response to the recent RFA releases. Also, only one NCCDD member responded to requests for volunteers for the workgroup for the development of a NCCDD Language Access Plan (LAP).

Melissa also provided a status update on the ADC committee’s request for exploration of accessible recreation. Resources have been acquired, however in-depth research was delayed and details could not be shared this quarter. Staff anticipates providing information on accessible recreation to the ADC at the February meeting.

Motion to adjourn was made by Eric Chavis. The motion was seconded by Danielle Matula. The motion was approved.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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