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Executive Committee Minutes, Nov 2017

Executive Committee
Monday, November 27, 2017
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Members Present: Alex McArthur, Wing Ng, Amanda Bergen, Kerri Eaker, Nessie Siler, Katie Holler
Members Absent: Anna Cunningham
Staff Present: Chris Egan, Yadira Vasquez
Staff Absent: JoAnn Toomey

Alex McArthur welcomed the members of the Executive Committee and called the meeting to order.

I. Approval of Minutes:

Approval of Minutes: The draft minutes of the October 23, 2017 Executive Committee meeting were reviewed.

MOTION: Katie Holler made a motion to approve the October 23, 2017 minutes. Wing Ng seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

II. Council Meeting/Member Survey or Agenda Review:

  • November Council Meeting De-Brief and Survey Responses

    Chris Egan provided an overview of the responses of the electronic and paper surveys from the November 2017 Council meeting. The responses were positive overall.

    Amanda Bergen commented on her experience with the hotel staff regarding the hotel’s meals and Devika Rao’s concern about a hotel guest.

    Chris Egan will address these concerns with the hotel manager and will provide an update at the December 2017 Executive Committee meeting.

    One additional item related to meeting accessibility suggested by a member included adding active (dynamic) closed-captioning during the meeting. Staff will review this request and determine how to be certain the Council meetings are as accessible to all members as possible.

    Chris Egan confirmed November 7 – 9, 2018 as the meeting dates for the Council’s annual meeting.

  • Review Draft Agenda for February 2018

    Chris Egan discussed the draft February agenda.

    Alex McArthur suggested adding the 2018 Council meetings dates to the December 2017 Executive Committee agenda. She also suggested incorporating an update on the ABLE account on the Thursday, February 8, 2018 agenda.

    Kerri Eaker recommended including a team building activity for 30 minutes at the start of the meeting on Thursday, February 8, 2018. Alex McArthur commented that it would be a good opportunity to give the new Executive Committee members a leadership role during the team building activity.
  • Base Committee Assignments

    Chris Egan reviewed the Base Committee Assignments and the members assigned under each committee, as well as the chair, back-up chair and vacant positions. He noted that the Financial Asset Development Committee had fewer self-advocates.

    Nessie Siler commented that maybe the reason why there are fewer self-advocates in the Financial Asset Development Committee is because many self-advocates don’t have experience in financial asset development. She indicated that might be one of the barriers since some parents and caregivers will take care of the financial aspect for them, but at the same time self-advocates can be well prepared in financial asset building with the proper training.

    Amanda Bergen commented that it is a barrier in her committee and maybe people from other committees can rotate during the year. She said that Adonis Brown was an asset due to his diverse knowledge. She also said that not having a finance background can come across as intimidating.

    Wing Ng commented that maybe we can explore through a survey to Council members about their current comfort level regarding finance issues.

    Alex McArthur opened the discussion on what skill building areas we might be missing?

    Amanda Bergen mentioned that the Financial Stability model was a good one and members should have access to the modules.

    Alex McArthur commented that a one-on-one Financial Stability update by UNC-G as a refresher would be helpful. She recommended exploring a second team meeting to focus on that skill. Also, she asked Chris Egan to share the new e-mail list.

III. Conference Funding Requests:

Alex McArthur discussed the National Inclusion Project’s Power of Play Conference request – being held March 20-22, 2018 at the Marbles Kids Museum for the requested amount of $3,000 to cover one speaker (fees and travel, and meeting space). The conference funding was approved.

MOTION: Amanda Bergen made a motion to approve the funding to the National Inclusion Project’s Power of Play Conference in the amount of $3,000, being held March 20-22, 2018. Nessie Siler seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

IV. Personal Services Contract Review/Approval:

There were no Personal Services contracts presented for approval..

V. Ad Hoc Committees/Updates:

There were no Personal Services contracts presented for approval.

VI. Other:

  • RFA Release Update

    Chris Egan discussed advertising the RFA releases on our website to provide more information regarding the intent of the RFAs for potential applicants in the community. He suggested providing a description at a high-level detail. He also discussed the re-release of the Transportation RFA.

    Nessie Siler mentioned that she would like to be part of the RFA selection committee.

  • 2018 Executive Committee Meeting Dates and Time Change

    Alex McArthur reviewed the 2018 Executive Committee dates to be January 22nd, February 19th, March 19th, April 16th, May 21st, June 18th, July 16th, August 20th, September 17th, October 15th, November 19th and December 17th, and the time change to start at 10:00 am and end at 12:00 pm.

  • Annual Report Update

    Chris Egan said that the Administration on Community Living changed the portal dates for the submission of the Annual Report, which typically is December 31st and that now the report submission will be due between February and March of 2018.

  • Other Agenda Items

    Chris Egan commented that during Nessie Siler’s Advocacy Development Committee, a few Council members expressed their concern regarding the NCEN logo.

    Nessie Siler described the visible image of the logo to the Executive Committee members and mentioned that she didn’t think there were any bad intentions with the NCEN logo. She will meet with the members of the NCEN to address the concern of some Council members. This subject will be discussed again in the next committee meeting.

    Alex McArthur commented that logos may read or be interpreted different ways from many people. She said we should approach the positive, not the negative.

    Chris Egan mentioned that we need to consider not to over step our Council role. He mentioned the NCCDD Annual Report shows the NCEN logo and asked the Executive Committee members if we should remove the logo from the Annual Report before re-printing the report.

    Nessie Siler and Alex McArthur suggested that we should remove it from the Annual Report and report on this subject at the December Executive Committee meeting.

VII. Adjourn:

Alex McArthur asked for a motion to adjourn.

MOTION: Kerri Eaker made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Amanda Bergen seconded the motion. The motion was approved.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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