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Executive Committee Minutes, July 2016

Executive Committee
Monday, July 18, 2016
10:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Members Present: Amanda Bergen, Adonis Brown, Kerri Eaker, Katie Holler, Ron Reeve, Nessie Siler
Members Absent: Anna Cunningham
Staff Present: Chris Egan, Steve Strom, Melissa Swartz, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez
Guests Present: Bryce Coleman, Betsy MacMichael

Chairman Ron Reeve welcomed the members to the meeting.

I. Approval of Minutes:
The draft minutes of the June 20, 2016 Executive Committee meeting were discussed and considered for approval.

MOTION: Adonis Brown made a motion to approve the June 20, 2016 minutes.  Amanda Bergen seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

II. First in Families (FIF) Update:
Bryce Coleman and Betsy MacMichael updated the members with information that will be shared with the full Council in August.  Ms. MacMichael indicated that there has been more focus to date on depth vs. breadth and will personally attend and present at the August Council meeting so that the Council can consider approval of Year 3 of 3 of their funding for the NCCDD Sibling Support initiative. She did highlight that as of 7/13/16 they became an official state chapter of the National Sibling Leadership Network (SLN) and began working with SLN’s Chair of Network Development to continue grown and sustainability efforts.  Executive Committee members thanked them for their update and asked that they make sure to state what they are trying to achieve and give strong quantitative data in August since numbers are important for the Council members to review.

III. Financial Update:
Yadira Vasquez reviewed the financial reports for the NCCDD.  There was discussion on the 2014-2016 FFY balances and initiative expenditures.  She pointed out a slight increase in FFY 2016 funding due to all Councils receiving notice for this one-time increase due to Puerto Rico not being able to spend all their funding.  Members were also provided FFYs 2017-2019 budget summaries and detail reports as requested.  Members noted that there will be $374,417 available in FFY 2017 that begins October 1, 2016 for new initiatives.  Ron asked the members if there were any other questions or comments and there were none.

IV. August 2016 Council Meeting:
Chris Egan reviewed with the members the draft agenda for the August Council meeting.  The members would like more thought put into what can be done for the full Council after 5:00 PM on Thursday. 

V. Review Council Meeting policy to be approved at August Council meeting:
JoAnn Toomey and Chris Egan updated the members, in response to Anna Cunningham, who felt that the Council Meeting policy should state that the final action or decision should be by a majority vote and have a 60% majority of the members present be members with I/DD and family members of people with I/DD since we are to be made up of 60% of individuals with I/DD and family members of people with I/DD as per the DD Act Final Rule of 2000. Chris and JoAnn did some research and in the State’s General Statute for NCCDD, it clearly states: 

“A majority of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.” 

Chris also made the point that if the majority of non-agency members come (24 non-agency vs. 16 agency), we’re already weighted with the 60% requirement being members with I/DD and family members.  We looked back on several years of attendance and this always appears to be the case.  The Executive Committee members and Governance Ad Hoc Committee Chair support this policy to go forward as is to the full Council in August. 

VI.   Conference Funding Request:  No requests received

VII. Review/update on Five Year Plan:
Adonis Brown and Nessie Siler updated the members on the progress staff are making on the Five Year Plan.  The Ad Hoc Committee met earlier in the morning and discussed the status of completion of the full Five Year Plan document guided by the section development checklist provided by the Information and Technical Assistance Center for Councils on Developmental Disabilities (ITACC).  The draft NCCDD 2017–2021 State Plan will be distributed to members prior to the August Council meeting for final review and a motion to approve submission to AIDD by August 15, 2016.  Chris Egan thanked Melissa Swartz for her leadership in this endeavor.

VIII. Possible Council Meeting Dates for 2017: 
Members reviewed the proposed dates for Council meetings in 2017 and the following dates will be put forward to the full Council in August for approval:  February 9 and 10, May 11 and 12, August 10 and 11, and November 15-17.  Location will be determined based on availability.

IX. Update:  Employment and Leadership in-house initiatives:
Chris Egan reviewed with the members the proposed in-house initiatives and proposed funding.  These proposals describe future internal efforts focusing on the areas of employment and leadership development.  Members asked for some minor edits and Chris will complete them before including the summaries in the August mail out for discussion and approval by the full Council.  

X. Update:  Supported Living RFA DRAFT:
Steve Strom reviewed with the members the Supported Living RFA draft that will be presented at the August meeting for approval to release the RFA.  Executive Committee members approved the draft RFA to go forward to the full Council. 

XII. Other:
No other business was reported so Ron Reeve asked for a motion to adjourn.

MOTION: Katie Holler made a motion to adjourn the July Executive Committee meeting.  Adonis Brown seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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