Governance Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
February 1, 2016
Members Present: Crystal Foreman, Peggy Terhune
Members Absent: Adonis Brown, Eric Chavis, Lourdes Fernandez, Desiree Peterson, I. Azell Reeves
Staff Present: Chris Egan, JoAnn Toomey
This open meeting was held via tele-conference. Peggy Terhune and Crystal Foreman opened the meeting. They had reviewed the 11 updated and formatted policies that had been previously sent and agreed they were ready to be presented to the Executive Committee.
All present agreed that the updated policies will be sent to the Executive Committee for their review at their March 21, 2016 meeting and that Peggy and Crystal will join them at around 12:00 noon.
JoAnn will send, by the end of the week, a new comparison sheet of the original 2008 By-laws versus the current adopted 8/7/15 By-laws for the committee to review at their next meeting, for potential new policies. Chris is going to check with the new NCCDD interns if they can begin work on the readability of the new By-laws.
The next meeting of the Governance Ad Hoc Committee is scheduled for March 14, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned.