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Governance Ad Hoc Committee Minutes, 3.31.15

Governance Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
March 31, 2015

Members Present:  Adonis Brown, Eric Chavis, Lourdes Fernandez, I. Azell Reeves, Peggy Terhune

Members Absent:  Crystal Foreman, Deb Goda, Desiree Peterson

Staff Present:  Chris Egan, Shayna Simpson-Hall, JoAnn Toomey

Azell Reeves opened the tele-conference meeting by welcoming the members.  She then took the roll call and asked for public comment if others were on the call.  There was none.  

The members decided to table the first agenda item of identifying a chair and possible vice-chair while the members thought it over until the next meeting.

Members agreed that the first order of business was to review the by-laws.  Once that task was done and recommendations were made to the Executive Committee for Council approval, the members would move on to NCCDD Policies.  

Peggy Terhune asked that the memo from Council Chair Reeve, outlining all the Ad Hoc Committees, members and tasks, be re-sent to her.  The other members asked for them to be re-sent to them, as well.

Azell Reeves reminded members that their task with the by-laws was to review and recommend either continuing with the current approved by-laws, or modifying the existing by-laws or the 2012 by-laws draft, or approving the 2012 draft of the by-laws.  Both sets of these by-laws were sent to the members along with the notice of this first meeting.  Ms. Reeves brought up, in the intention of transparency – encouraged by Council Chair Reeve and Chris Egan – that there was a second draft of the by-laws sent to the full Council in 2012 by Walter Ruff and Crystal Foreman who were members of the By-Laws Ad Hoc Committee at that time.  She asked the members if they would like to see a copy of that draft and the members agreed that they would.  Eric Chavis asked that his copies be mailed to him in hard copy.  Hard copies will also be sent to Crystal Foreman and Desiree Peterson.

The members asked that staff cross-walk the three sets of existing bylaws; the current approved by-laws, the 2012 by-laws draft approved at the 9/17/12 Executive Committee meeting that was brought to the November, 2012 Council meeting and not approved, and the 2012 draft sent by Walter Ruff to the full Council.  JoAnn Toomey let the members know that there was an already existing cross-walk that Mr. Ruff did of the two drafts.  She will use that cross-walk to add the current approved by-laws for the members to review.  
Members agreed that they could not address, at this time, the agenda item to identify a tentative time-line to complete the task, until review of the cross-walk was completed.
Ms. Reeves asked members when they would like to schedule the next meeting.  They discussed the possibility of having a meeting face-to-face before or during the May Council meeting but could not confirm a time.  They did agree on the next teleconference meeting for Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.

Ms. Reeves made a motion to adjourn.  Peggy Terhune seconded.  Meeting was adjourned.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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