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Communications Ad Hoc Committee Minutes, 4.1.15

Communication Ad-Hoc Committee
Wednesday, April 1 and Thursday, April 2nd, 2015
09:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
NCCDD Conference Room and by phone

Members Present: Anna Cunningham, Adonis Brown, Crystal Foreman, Lisa Byrd, Eric Chavis, Vicki Smith

Members Absent: Michael Groves
Staff in Attendance:  Steve Strom, Chris Egan

Guests:  Beth Stalvey

Welcome: Anna Cunningham, interim chairman of the Disability Systems Change Committee, called the meeting to order, welcomed all members, and provided an opportunity for guests to introduce themselves.

Anna asked if any of the members were willing to serve as chair or vice-chair.  Eric Chavis indicated his interest in the vice chair role and Crystal Foreman indicated she is interested in the chair or vice chair role.  No vote was taken at this meeting.    

After the introductions, Anna read the charge of the committee and asked each member what they would like to contribute to this committee.  

Lisa Byrd said she would like to see more information on the website in easy to read format and more information about our statement of principles on the home page for self advocates.  

Adonis Brown indicated that he would be willing to assist in any way possible.  

Crystal Foreman suggested ideas such as Skype and texting as other ways for those with limited computer access to participate and be part of the communications committee.  She also asked about any confidentiality issues using Skype or texting.  Chris clarified the meeting and member information and privacy as it relates to open meeting laws.  Anna indicated that she did not think that it would be a problem using either of these two means of communication to communicate with members.  Crystal indicated that these methods work well in accommodating individuals with transportation challenges or endurance issues.  The individuals do not require travel in order to become more effective advocates.  Steve agreed to follow up with Crystal with a phone call on other suggestions that she may have.  Crystal also suggested that the website incorporate ASL videos to make the site accessibile to those who use ASL.  

Vicki Smith wanted to know about the development of the new web site:

  • Who is the target audience?
  • How can we be partners with the other two AIDD organizations in North Carolina?
  • Can the website be customized for each user by asking when the person navigates to the site a few questions that they must answer?  Once the questions are answered, the web would provide a customized site for:
  • Those who need a screen reader
  • Easy to read format
  • Accessible language format
  • Vicki suggested that the new site provide information that makes all the grants accessible and relevant.  
  • Vicki also suggested that the Council and Disability Rights NC work closely on position statements that could be posted online.  

Vicki also suggested that there be a consideration of allocating Council funds to have a facilitated discussion about communications with all of the members.  Vicki offered to provide names of potential facilitators and their rates.

Beth Stalvey suggested that the new website be a repository for information on policy.  She also wants the new site to be accessible and user friendly. 

Anna wanted to understand how to highlight the statement of principle and how they’re moving the needle on the 5-Year Plan.  

Chris suggested that the committee take on the task providing additional information to the Council on communications covering areas such as costs of services in communications to help the members understand the scope of the Council allocation for this initiative.

Steve will provide information at the next meeting on where the contractor is on accomplishing the goals set in the contract.  

Wrap Up and Reminders:

Anna thanked the members of the Communications Ad-hoc Committee for their input during the meeting.

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 6th at 1:00 PM in the conference room and by conference line at 888-557-8511, conference ID code 3661024

Meeting was adjourned.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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