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Five Year State Plan Development Ad Hoc Committee Minutes, 4.20.15

2015 NCCDD 5-Year State Plan Development
Ad Hoc Committee
April 20, 2015 @ 9:00am to 10:15am

Members in Attendance:  A. Brown, A. Cunningham, K. Eaker, J. Gettinger, S. Miller, R. Reeve, N. Siler, S. Terrell.

Members Absent: C. Cantrell, C. Powell, I.A. Reeves, J. Swain, P. Terhune

Staff Present: C. Egan, J. Toomey, M. Swartz.

*See end of document for a complete description of the NCCDD 5-Year State Plan Development Ad Hoc Committee charge.

Ron Reeve, Facilitator welcomed NCCDD 5-Year State Plan Development Ad Hoc Committee (5YSPD AHC) members and briefly described the purpose of the committee and the role of the NCCDD State Plan in Council business. Ron introduced the resources which the ad hoc members and full NCCDD will use a guide throughout the process (i.e., DD Act, ITACC State Plan Development Resource, the ACL/AIDD 2012/17 Priorities/Goals Framework, and the NCCDD March 2015 Planning Framework.

NCCDD and ACL/AIDD Frameworks generated member discussion about priority topics gleaned from the recent Disability Policy Seminar, local Advanced Childhood Experiences initiative (E.g., C. Egan, S. Miller, and J. Gettinger). National level trends included self-advocacy/self-advocates as leaders; cultural sensitivity; employment/transition from school/Individual Education Plans; and aging issues. In addition, 5YSPD AHC members indicated the importance of advancing a NCCDD 5-Year Plan Development Philosophy representative of the following:

  • Thinking “large” inclusive of the future
  • Be the voice of outcomes (versus process)
  • Leadership of Self-Advocates
  • High expectations early in the lives of person’s with I/DD

In addition, 5YSPD AHC members shared information about documents/resources to generate Council consideration and for inclusion in the Comprehensive Review and Analysis plan section (E.g., E. Hagensen/Collaborative health;  and book by Schreiber). The 5YSPD AHC suggested developing a list-serve or discussion board maintained on the NCCDD website on which to share resources, thoughts, and discussion.  Lastly, 5YSPD AHC members acknowledged “champions” whose  involvement with NCCDD and its members represents significant support for advancing NCCDD’s future goals, including NCCDD Public Policy Initiative contractor, Beth Stalvey; Senator Jeff Jackson, Senator Brent Jackson and Senator Tommy Tucker.

Ron described the importance and role of the NC AIDD Network (P & A: Disability Rights NC and UCEDD: Carolina Institute on DD) as collaborators in the development of the NCCDD 5-Years State Plan.
5YSPD AHC members considered the State Plan Development Schedule. The plan is submitted to AIDD on August 15, 2016 and begins on October 1, 2016. (Note: the draft plan is released for public comment following the November 2015 quarterly NCCDD meeting). The immediate priorities in development involves a kick-off session at the May Council meeting, survey distribution, and Listening Session preparation.

During the 5:15pm – 7:30pm reception on Thursday, May 14th, NCCDD members will talk about topic areas, goals/objectives and/or activities important to them for which they believe NCCDD funds should be spent. Members will distribute “NCCDD Bills” (fake money) among areas of emphasis (e.g., education, employment, housing, transportation, etc.) and the way members decide to spend this fake money will be reviewed and discussed at a later date.

The 5YSPD AHC requested staff to create a brief informational presentation to “open” listening sessions that included description of national and state trends.  Staff indicated the cover page/introduction to the survey would also include this information.

The members were asked to consider ways to best generate NCCDD Member engagement with providing input, hosting/marketing listening sessions, and survey distribution.

Members nominated Adonis Brown as the 5-Year State Plan Development Ad Hoc Committee Chair and Nessie Siler as Vice Chair.

Members agreed to meet on the third Monday of each month from 9:00AM to 10:15AM preceding the regularly scheduled Executive Committee (E.C.) meetings as well as during months excluding E. C. meetings. Members agreed to hold Monday, May 11th (if necessary to meet prior to Council Meeting) and Monday, May 18th for the next meeting of the 5-Year State Plan Development Ad Hoc Committee.  

To discuss Listening Session schedule and locations, kick-off session structure, and 5YSPD AHC member’s ideas for generating member engagement to be shared at the May Council meeting, the next meeting of the NCCDD 5-Year State Plan Development Ad Hoc Committee (5YSPD AHC) is Monday, May 11, 2015 from 9:00AM to 10:15AM.  

Support Materials:
St. Pl. Development Schedule (Feb. 2015/Rev. 4/6/15); Current State Plan (2011 – 2016); Planning Framework 3/4/15; Tentative Listening Sessions Map/dates; 2015 NACDD/ITACC resources; Comp/Rev. Analysis Contractor Scope of Work.

5-Year Plan Development Ad Hoc Committee
REEVE, RON - Facilitator


Purpose: In the development of the NCCDD 2017 – 2021 Five-Year State Plan, this ad hoc committee will ensure the Council advances a strategic planning process tied to the requirements of sections 101, 102, 124, and 125 of The Americans with Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Right Act (P. L. 106 – 402; a.k.a. DD Act).

Guiding Resource: Information and Technical Assistance Center (for Council’s on Developmental Disabilities’) State Plan Development Resource


  1. Advance Council member engagement in the planning process
  2. Advance stakeholder input on state needs and the proposed plan
  3. Ensure collaboration with the NC AIDD Network and other partners
  4. Advance/ensure the use of data for planning purposes.
  5. Preview data results resources (e.g., handouts, power point presentations) prepared by the CIDD
  6. Ensure accessibility/understandability of all handouts, power point presentations prior to distribution to full Council
  7. Identify member engagement opportunities for live forums, distributing surveys, and soliciting input from community network partners            


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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