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Quarterly Council Minutes, Nov 2014

Quarterly Council Meeting Minutes
November 21, 2014
Hilton Garden Inn, Cary, NC

MEMBERS PRESENT: Caroline Ambrose, Amanda Bergen, Crystal Bowe, Adonis Brown, Lisa Byrd, Eric Chavis, Anna Cunningham, Kerri Eaker, Michael Groves, Samuel Miller,  Wing Ng, Desiree Peterson, Joseph Piven, Ron Reeve, I. Azell Reeves, Jim Swain, Vicki Smith, Peggy Terhune, Dave Richard, David White, Eric Zechman (for Wayne Black)

MEMBERS ABSENT: Courtney Cantrell, John Carbone, Christina Carter, Robin Cummings, Lourdes Fernandez, Wilson Finks, Crystal Foreman, Katie Holler,  Representative Verla Insko, Senator Tommy Tucker, Kelly Woodall
STAFF PRESENT: Chris Egan, Cora Gibson, Shayna Simpson-Hall,  Joshua Strasburg, Steve Strom, Melissa Swartz, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez

CONTRACTORS/GRANTEES PRESENT:  Jennifer Bosk, Karen Hamilton, Gordon O’Neill, John McCallum, Devika Rao, Beth Stalvey

GUESTS:  Beverly Colwell, Renee Cummins, Barton Cutter, Mary Edwards, Renate Macchirole, Dreama McCoy, Pam Dickens


Chairman Ron Reeve asked that any Council member with a potential conflict of interest, in regards to the agenda, identify that conflict, so that it could be documented in the minutes and acted upon, as necessary.  Mr. Reeve reminded Council members of the requirements of members to comply with the Statement of Economic Interest and Ethics Training.  He also reminded members of the emergency exits at the Hilton Garden Inn.  Anna Cunningham then conducted the roll call.


Ron Reeve asked for approval of the August 2014 Council meeting minutes.  A copy of the minutes had previously been made available to Council members.  Eric Chavis made a motion to approve the minutes.  Lisa Byrd seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.  


Chris Egan provided an overview of the meetings and conferences that he had attended in the last couple of months. He shared briefly the feedback that he has been getting since meeting with the non-agency Council members and that he would soon like to meet with agency Council members.  Chris thanked all members, contractors and staff for their hard work over the past months.  


Anna Cunningham reminded members to complete their reimbursement forms and submit them to staff.  Ms. Cunningham gave a brief report on the financial status of the Council.  A copy of the report had previously been made available to Council members.  


There were no public comments.


The Executive Committee members met September 15 and October 20, 2014.  A copy of the minutes of each meeting has been made available to Council members.  Mr. Reeve asked each member to review the minutes.   


Mr. Reeve requested presentation of committee reports.  Please refer to the committee minutes for a detailed description of the committees’ work, including motions made in committee.


Committee chair Samuel Miller presented the Disability Systems Change Committee report.  Background information concerning the funding requests appears in the committee minutes.  Following are the motions presented on the floor for Council consideration:

Motion:  Samuel Miller made a motion that the NC Division of Aging and Adult Services be approved as the applicant selected for the NCCDD Guardianship initiative.  Funding is approved for up to $75,000 (level-funded) with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds, for year one of up to three years beginning with the period of January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015.   Peggy Terhune seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

Vicki Smith recused herself because DRNC applied for this RFA.  Dave Richard, Eric Zechman and Jim Swain recused themselves because they are DHHS employees.

Motion:  Anna Cunningham made a motion to recommend the Executive Committee explore resources for strategic planning expertise that could be used for staff and Council member’s growth and professional development to increase the likelihood of success in implementing the five year plan.  Eric Chavis seconded the motion.  Following lengthy discussion, motion was withdrawn.  

Motion:  Peggy Terhune made a motion that the Executive Committee review the potential of a strategic plan.  Desiree Peterson seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

Motion:  Samuel Miller made a motion to endorse the outcomes and expectations developed by the Stakeholder Engagement Group as outlined in their document and distributed in 2014.   Peggy Terhune seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.


Committee chair I. Azell Reeves presented the Community Capacity Building Committee Report.  Background information concerning the funding requests appears in the committee minutes.  Following are the motions presented on the floor for Council consideration:

Anna Cunningham made a motion to grant NCCDD staff authority to release the Request for Application (RFA) for the “NC ADA Network Fiscal Agent” for an amount up to $35,000 (level-funded) for year one of up to three years beginning with the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds.   A recommendation was made to increase the allowable administrative costs to $5,000 as part of the total contract of $35,000.  Eric Chavis seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

Desiree Peterson recused herself because she is on the board of the Alliance of Disability Advocates (the current contractor).  Caroline Ambrose recused herself because she is employed with the current contractor and Renate Macchirole recused herself because the agency she works for may apply to the RFA.


Committee chair Caroline Ambrose presented the Advocacy and Leadership Committee report.  Background information concerning the funding requests appears in the committee minutes.  There were no motions presented on the floor for Council consideration.


Ron Reeve discussed briefly the input from the public on the State Plan.  Ron also reminded Council members to fill out there 2015 Committee Request Form and return them to staff.  

Motion:  Peggy Terhune made a motion for staff to assess individual accommodations for members to access Council communications.  Eric Chavis seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

Motion:  Anna Cunningham made a motion to approve the NCCDD Strategic Communications Plan presented by O’Neill Communications and in line with the development of the NCCDD strategic plan, to begin implementing elements of the initiative within the next three months.   Desiree Peterson seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

Motion: Crystal Bowe made a motion to grant NCCDD staff authority to draft the Request for Application (RFA) for the “Jean Wolff-Rossi Fund for Participant Involvement Fiscal Agent and Program Manager” external initiative.  Approval to release the RFA is planned to be requested at the February, 2015 Council meeting, but may be delayed until the May, 2015 meeting.   Eric Chavis seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.


In an open election on the floor of the Council, Crystal Bowe and Adonis Brown were re-elected Vice-Chairs and Anna Cunningham was elected Secretary/Treasurer.  Committee Chairs are:  Samuel Miller, Disability Systems Change; I. Azell Reeves, Community Capacity Building; and Caroline Ambrose, Advocacy and Leadership.  Ron Reeve congratulated the returning elected officers.

A request was made to take a look at the election process and the length of office.  Chairman Ron Reeve will consider forming a committee to review the by-laws in regards to the election process and length of terms.

Michael Groves made a motion to adjourn.  Anna Cunningham seconded the motion.  Meeting was adjourned.

Approved:  _________________________
Anna Cunningham Secretary/Treasurer
Date: _______________


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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