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Quarterly Council Minutes, Feb 2015

Quarterly Council Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2015
North Raleigh Hilton, Raleigh, NC

MEMBERS PRESENT: Caroline Ambrose, Karen Armstrong, Eric Zechman (for Wayne Black) Crystal Bowe, Adonis Brown, Lisa Byrd, Mya Williams (for Courtney Cantrell),  Deborah Carroll (for Robin Cummings), Robin Vanwy (for Christina Carter), Eric Chavis, Anna Cunningham, Kerri Eaker, Mary Edwards, Crystal Foreman (by phone),  Joshua Gettinger, Michael Groves, Katie Holler, Rep. Verla Insko, Samuel Miller, Wing Ng, Desiree Peterson, Cheryl Powell,  Joseph Piven, Ron Reeve, I. Azell Reeves, Jim Swain, Vicki Smith, Peggy Terhune, Senator Tommy Tucker, Kelly Woodall

MEMBERS ABSENT:  Amanda Bergen, Lourdes Fernandez, Dave Richard, Nessie Siler, David White
STAFF PRESENT: Chris Egan, Cora Gibson, Shayna Simpson-Hall, Steve Strom, Melissa Swartz JoAnn Toomey

CONTRACTORS/GRANTEES PRESENT:  Karen Hamilton, Gordon O’Neill, Devika Rao, Beth Stalvey

GUESTS: Dreama McCoy, Brian Beauchamp, David Taylor, Rose Stroup


Chairman Ron Reeve asked that any Council member with a potential conflict of interest, in regards to the agenda, identify that conflict, so that it could be documented in the minutes and acted upon, as necessary.  Mr. Reeve reminded Council members of the requirements of members to comply with the Statement of Economic Interest and Ethics Training.  He also reminded members of the emergency exits at the North Raleigh Hilton.  

Mr. Reeve also reminded members to sign up for their preference to serve on one or more of the ad hoc committees that have been identified as major areas of emphasis, after polling members during the February 2015 Council meeting.  Anna Cunningham then conducted the roll call.


Ron Reeve asked for approval of the November 2014 Council meeting minutes.  A copy of the minutes had previously been made available to Council members.  Eric Chavis made a motion to approve the minutes.  Caroline Ambrose seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.  


Chris Egan provided an overview of the meetings and conferences that he had attended in the last couple of months.  He also provided brief insights to the work that each staff member has been doing as well. Chris thanked all members, contractors and staff for their hard work over the past months.  Chris spoke of the importance of the Council to continue to work with stakeholders and policymakers to make sure we have meaningful outcomes.  Chris highlighted several issues faced by families, in particular, siblings now in a support role for their parents and their sibling with a disability including the difficulty often associated with this transition and need for planning along with way.  He indicated the value of a communications initiative that helps highlight our efforts, such as our sibling support initiative.  Chris also discussed the concepts of discontent serving as the engine for change (Michael Smull, What is Person Centered Thinking) and the differences between optimistic versus cynical discontent, encouraging the Council to remain optimistic in pursuing system change.  


Anna Cunningham reminded members to complete their reimbursement forms and submit them to staff.  Ms. Cunningham gave a brief report on the financial status of the Council.  A copy of the report had previously been made available to Council members.  


Vickie Smith expressed the importance that the Council continue to have a voice as it works with other agencies.  Ms. Smith went on to describe the role of the Council as the entity suited to change from the perspective of optimistic discontent while Disability Rights often creates change as a result of cynical discontent.  

Kelly Woodall thanked Chris Egan, the executive director, and the Council staff for doing a great job.  Kelly also shared the news of her upcoming surgery in March.

Senator Tucker gave an overview of several key issues faced by the NC General Assembly.     He answered questions from the members and Mr. Reeve and the members thanked Senator Tucker for taking the time to inform the Council.  


The Executive Committee members met December 19, 2014 and January 23, 2015.  A copy of the minutes for December’s meeting had been made available to Council members.  Mr. Reeve asked each member to review the minutes.   


Mr. Reeve requested presentation of committee reports.  Please refer to the committee minutes for a detailed description of the committee’s work, including motions made in committee.


Committee chair Samuel Miller presented the Disability Systems Change Committee report.  Background information concerning the funding requests are in the committee minutes.  Following are the motions presented on the floor for Council consideration:

MOTION:  Sam Miller made a motion that the contract for the initiative: Medical and Health Homes for People with Intellectual and Other Developmental Disabilities: Coordination, Collaboration and Community led by Easter Seals UCP North Carolina & Virginia, Inc. be amended with an expanded scope of work and to include supplemental funding in the amount of $20,000 with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds, for the current contract from October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015.  Eric Chavis seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.                                                                                            
Desiree Peterson, Peggy Terhune and Crystal Bowe made the Council aware that they are participating in the consortium.   There is no perceived conflict of interest.                                     

MOTION: Sam Miller made the motion to have the staff to gather more information on the agency of choice model and present at the May Disability Systems Change Committee.  Mike Groves seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.

MOTION: Sam Miller made a motion to have the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities take a public position on supporting immediate full expansion of Medicaid services in North Carolina to all eligible citizens.  Kelly Woodall Beauchamp seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.


Committee chair I. Azell Reeves presented the Community Capacity Building Committee Report.  Background information concerning the funding requests are in the committee minutes.  Following are the motions presented on the floor for Council consideration:

MOTION:  I. Azell Reeves a motion that the Alliance of Disability Advocates, a state independent living center, be selected for the NCCDD “ADA Network Fiscal Agent Initiative.”  The motion included approval of funding for up to $35,000, match requirement waived, for twelve (12) months from July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 for year one of three.  Crystal Bowe seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.  Kelly Woodall Beauchamp (contractor for Alliance) and Desiree Peterson (chair on their board) recused themselves, Anna Cunningham recused herself since her daughter participates in this group and she assists, and Carrie Ambrose recused herself since she is an employee.

MOTION:   I. Azell Reeves made a motion for continuation funding for the In-House NC ADA Network Initiative for the period of July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 for an amount up to $60,000 with match requirement waived.  Adonis Brown seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.   Kelly Woodall Beauchamp recused herself.   

Committee chair Caroline Ambrose presented the Advocacy and Leadership Committee report.  Background information concerning the funding requests are in the committee minutes.  Following are the motions presented on the floor for Council consideration:

MOTION:  Carrie Ambrose made a motion to provide In-House Conference funding for a speaker to present at the NC TIDE (Training, Instruction, Development, Education) Annual Spring Conference-Building Community Connections April 26-29, 2015 in the amount up to $2,000.  Since this is an in-house initiative, match requirement is waived.   Eric Zechman seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.  

MOTION:  Carrie Ambrose made a motion to provide In-House Conference funding for a speaker to present at the Disability Rights North Carolina’s 2015 Disability Advocacy Conference April 14, 2015 in the amount up to   $600.00.  Since this is an in-house initiative, match requirement is waived.   Mike Groves seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.  Vicki Smith recused herself since she is director of DRNC.  

MOTION:  Carrie Ambrose made a motion to provide In-House Conference funding for a speaker to present at the NC Association of Persons Supporting Employment First-Work Hard, Dream Big Conference April 8-10, 2015 in the amount up to $3,000.  Since this is an in-house initiative, match requirement is waived.   Kelly Woodall Beauchamp seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.  

No Old Business discussed.


MOTION:  Vicki Smith made a motion to delay the release of the Request for Application (RFA) for the “Jean Wolff-Rossi Fund for Participant Involvement” initiative for an amount up to $40,000 per year for up to three years with a 25% required minimum match.   Anna Cunningham seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.   Kelly Woodall Beauchamp recused herself since she may apply for this contract.

MOTION:  Kelly Woodall Beauchamp made a motion to approve funding for continuation of the In-House Public Policy initiative in an amount up to $60,000 for the period of July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016.   Kerri Eaker seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.  

MOTION:  Adonis Brown made a motion that the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities, UNC Chapel Hill meets the Council’s criteria of being uniquely qualified for sole-source funding for support of the Five Year State Plan Development initiative.  Funding is approved for an amount up to $83,000 (level funded), beginning with the period of March 1, 2015 to November 30, 2015, with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($27,667).   Carrie Ambrose seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.

Eric Chavis made a motion to adjourn.  Adonis Brown seconded the motion.  Meeting was adjourned.

Approved:  _________________________
Anna Cunningham Secretary/Treasurer
Date: _______________


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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