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Community Capacity Building Committee Minutes, May 2015

Community Capacity Building
DRAFT Minutes
May 14, 2015
2:00  – 3:45 pm
North Raleigh Hilton, Raleigh, NC

Members Present: I. Azell Reeves (Chairperson), Jim Swain, Adonis Brown, Jason Faircloth, Dr. Joshua Gettinger, Kerri Bennett-Eaker, Anna Cunningham, Dreama McCoy, Amanda Bergen and David White

Members Absent: Representative Verla Insko

Guests: Laurie Schaller and Michael Roush (National Disability Institute), Donna Gallagher (The Collaborative), Linda Emery (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital), Pat Keul (Project Consultant), Gail Dawkins (INREACH, Charlotte, NC), Krystal Bailey (Project SEARCH grad and CMPD employee), April Brantley (Alamance Burlington School System – Project SEARCH), LeAnn Wooten (Alamance Burlington School System – Project SEARCH instructor), Brittany Akoula (North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation), Lakeisha Tharrington (North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation) David McMaster (Project SEARCH intern), Tyson Haith, Jr. (Project SEARCH Intern), Abbey Martin (Project SEARCH Intern), Durand Bailey (Alamance Burlington Schools – Project SEARCH job coach), and Jason Roby (Project SEARCH Intern)

Staff/Contractors:  Shayna Simpson-Hall and Yadira Vasquez

Welcome: Chairperson I. Azell Reeves welcomed all members.

Approval of Minutes: Chairperson I. Azell Reeves asked for approval of the February 12, 2015 minutes.  

David White made a motion to accept the February 12, 2015 Community Capacity Building Committee minutes.  Amanda Bergen seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

Initiative Updates and Motion to Approve Continuation Funding
I. Azell Reeves asked the committee members whether they would prefer to hear the presenters present their PowerPoint presentation or if they would rather pose the questions given to the presenter and allow them to address the questions and concerns given to the committee by the members of the full Council (on the index cards).  The committee members opted to address the questions given to them by the members of the full Council.  No motion was required.

Emergency Preparedness - Abby Cameron, Human Services Manager and Greta Herring, Grant Coordinator, NC Dept. of Public Safety

  1. Will there be training for shelters regarding requirements to ensure accessibility for service animals?  Yes, they stated that they are conducting training for and in partnership with American Red Cross and Department of Social Services because they are the overseers of all of the large shelters throughout North Carolina.  These agencies desire to ensure that all of their shelters are accessible.  Adonis Brown suggested not to leave out the secondary locations in the process. For example, the local churches which serve in this capacity.  Abby stated that they have been in communication with local churches and schools.  They are both willing to make accommodations to ensure accessibility.  Staff is aware of the needs of the accessible accommodations and regulations regarding service animals.  Additionally, Abby Cameron said that churches want to be accessible to church members with disabilities as well as community members in general. She continued by stating that two types of service animals are accepted into shelters, services dogs and miniature horses.  She affirmed that they will develop training and awareness in line with both state and federal guidelines.

  2. What is the plan to make shelters accessible? This question was addressed earlier.  

  3. I could not download the mobile app on my android phone. What is the issue?  Abby stated that this is a common problem encountered by android phone users.  The app is not compatible with the new android updates.  The NCDEM IT team is aware of the problem and is working to correct it.

  4. The SHOWME tool is in English only.  Are there plans to make it available in Spanish?  Abby stated that they will look into translating it into other languages.  Also, the NCDEM staff will make a copy of the ShowMe tool to make sure that it is available to all Council members.  She also stated that the ShowMe tool is also available via google play.  However, Adonis Brown asked to please make the app available to those with a Windows smartphone.  Currently individuals who have Windows phones are unable to access the tool.   Anna Cunningham asked about backpack information on website. Backpack online information is designed for personalized planning for disasters (downloadable forms). Abby stated that they will investigate creating an additional resource tab on ReadyNC for this purpose.

Abby mentioned that Wake County Schools will upload the ReadyNC app on to all of the iPads disseminated through the school system.  Dreama McCoy clarified that not all schools would be distributing iPads but it is good idea for those who are granting iPads to students as it is beneficial to students and parents.

Committee members recommended that the initiative use MCOs as a resource.  Also, DPI’s Exceptional Children Section should be used as a resource as they could help spread the word about the ReadyNC app.  Additionally, the initiative should utilize medical homes and medical associations as a mechanism to disseminate information on the emergency preparedness for people with I/DD and their families.

Adonis Brown and Anna Cunningham made a motion that the NCCDD will make available up to $105,000 for the period of October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016, for year 2 of 3, with 100% federal funds of external sole-source funding to the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management to implement the Emergency Preparedness Initiative.  The 25% non-federal match requirement has been requested for this grant. Amanda Bergen seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

Upward to Financial Stability - Michael Roush and Laurie Schaller, Project Managers, National Disability Institute and Donna Gallagher, The Collaborative


  1. Make sure webinars for people w I/DD are in fact accessible, low literacy and allow individualizations?  The National Disability Institute has staff on board to ensure that the webinars are conducted at a low literacy rate.

  2. I took the webinar and was not impressed.  The information can be found anywhere.  Michael noted that the webinar’s satisfaction rate is dependent upon the expectations of the participants. Depending on the content, some enjoyed it while others may be lost. The information provided is based upon general financial literacy information tailored to NC.  However the information on personal finances which can move people with I/DD and their families to economic self-sufficiency will be provided through the NC Financial Literacy and Asset Building curriculum.  This will allow for one on one instruction by trainers in the local community.  These trainers can be found by the Resource Mapping tool developed by the initiative and by using 2-1-1.  2-1-1 is the directory assistance for finding community health and human service resources. A call to NC 2-1-1 is free. It is confidential, available all day, every day and in any language.

  3. Each individual’s finances are different.  I feel that you have to have money to save money.  This program does not address that reality. We believe it is possible to save.  Importance of working and saving is key to building wealth and assets, building awareness and knowledge on financial literacy.  Employment outcomes will be addressed on the next webinar.  Michael stated that they believe it is possible to save.  Education on the importance of working and saving is invaluable.  Building awareness and knowledge on financial education has not been a focus in the I/DD world.  Employment outcomes as a key to building wealth will be addressed on the next webinar.

Michael clarified that the curriculum is inclusive of people with all disabilities. Anna Cunningham asked for an update on the curriculum timeline.  Michael stated that the draft will be submitted to the NCCDD in August for review and approval. In wrapping up, Michael stated that the webinars will be archived on the NCCDD website to make it accessible to people who may not be available to join the webinar as it is being conducted live.  

Anna Cunningham made a motion that the NCCDD will make available up to $75,000 (October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016), 100% federal funds of external continuation funding for year 2 of 3 to National Disability Institute for the NCCDD Upward to Financial Stability initiative with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds.   Adonis Brown seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

Project SEARCH - Linda Emery, Project Coordinator, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Pat Keul, Project Consultant

  1. What is the seed money used for?  The seed money is used for the implementation of the Project SEARCH model through Cincinnati Children’s Hospital (CCH) employing specialized trainings.  CCH utilizes a fidelity model (fidelity may be defined as the extent to which delivery of an intervention adheres to the protocol or program model originally developed. Fidelity measurement has increasing significance for evaluation, treatment effectiveness research, and service administration) for training and technical assistance for development, implementation and support. The funds are used to allow Project SEARCH staff to exercise their expertise to recruit businesses, schools and local Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) to form collaborative partnerships.  Staff engages businesses in the community in many conversations on the importance of employing people with disabilities.  The seed money pays for this valuable service.  It does not pay for the teacher or job coach.  The teacher and job coach positions are funded by the school system and the other job coach is funded by Vocational Rehabilitation (all Project SEARCH members are participants in VR).  Nor is the seed money used to assist with the cost of transportation for students.

Dreama McCoy acknowledged the NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is supportive of the initiative.  DPI is engaging in conversation currently to figure out how they can be more involved.  Jim Swain similarly acknowledged NC Vocational Rehabilitation support of the initiative and how Project SEARCH would be valuable with the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Kerri Bennett-Eaker expressed her desire to see the program expanded statewide.
In closing, Anna asked the Project SEARCH participants in the room to please share their highlight(s) of the year.  She wanted to know the one thing they had learned through the program.

Adonis Brown, Dr. Joshua Gettinger and Kerri Bennett-Eaker made a motion that the NCCDD will make available up to $100,000 (January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016), 100% federal funds of external, sole source continuation funding for year 3 of 3, to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to implement the Project SEARCH Technical Assistance Initiative, with a minimum 25% non-federal match requirement.  Jim Swain, Dreama McCoy and Amanda Bergen seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.    

Wrap Up and Reminders
Chairperson I. Azell Reeves reminded members to submit their financial forms.  She asked that if members are interested, to please respond promptly when they receive notification from Cora Gibson, NCCDD staff member, regarding upcoming conferences or other events.

Anna Cunningham noted that she was late but present at the last Community Capacity Building Committee meeting on February 12, 2015.  She asked that this please be reflected in the February 12, 2015 meeting minutes.  She also stated that she recused herself from the voting on the NC ADA Fiscal Agent and NC ADA Network motions.

Jason Faircloth made a motion to adjourn the meeting it was seconded by Anna Cunningham. Chairperson I. Azell Reeves adjourned the meeting at 3:48 p.m.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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