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Quarterly Council Minutes, May 2015

Quarterly Council Meeting Minutes
May 15, 2015
North Raleigh Hilton, Raleigh, NC

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Caroline Ambrose, Karen Armstrong, Amanda Bergen, Wendy Boyd, Adonis Brown, Lisa Byrd, Mya Williams (for Courtney Cantrell),  Christina Carter, Eric Chavis, Anna Cunningham, Kerri Eaker, Mary Edwards, Jason Faircloth, Crystal Foreman (by phone),  Joshua Gettinger, Michael Groves, Katie Holler, Dreama McCoy (for William Hussey), Samuel Miller, Desiree Peterson, Cheryl Powell,  Joseph Piven, Ron Reeve, I. Azell Reeves, Dave Richard, Clare Shocket, Nessie Siler,  Jim Swain, Vicki Smith, Senator Tommy Tucker, David White

MEMBERS ABSENT: Wayne Black, Lourdes Fernandez, Rep. Verla Insko, Peggy Terhune, Sandra Terrell, Ng Wing, Kelly Woodall
STAFF PRESENT: Pam Dickens, Chris Egan, Cora Gibson, Shayna Simpson-Hall, Steve Strom, Melissa Swartz, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez

CONTRACTORS/GRANTEES PRESENT:  Karen Hamilton, Gordon O’Neill, Devika Rao, Beth Stalvey

GUESTS:  Mr. Cummings, Renate Macchirole, Rose Stroup, audio describer from Maxim Health Care


Chairman Ron Reeve asked that any Council member with a potential conflict of interest, in regards to the agenda, identify that conflict, so that it could be documented in the minutes and acted upon, as necessary.   He also reminded members of the emergency exits at the North Raleigh Hilton.  Anna Cunningham then conducted the roll call.


Ron Reeve asked for approval of the February 2015 Council meeting minutes.  A copy of the minutes had previously been made available to Council members.  Lisa Byrd made a motion to approve the minutes.  Desiree Peterson seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.  


Chris Egan thanked the members and staff for being engaged and enthusiastic yesterday during the initiative presentations and evening kick-off event for the Five Year State Plan and upcoming listening sessions.  He also provided an overview of the meetings and conferences that he and staff had attended in the last couple of months.  He also provided brief insights to the work that each staff member has been doing as well.  Chris thanked all members, contractors and staff for their hard work over the past months and introduced new staff, Pam Dickens.  Chris spoke of the importance of the Council to continue to work with stakeholders and policymakers to make sure we have meaningful outcomes.  


Anna Cunningham reminded members to complete their reimbursement forms and submit them to staff.  Ms. Cunningham gave a brief report on the financial status of the Council.  A copy of the report had previously been made available and reviewed with Council members.  


Karen Hamilton reported for Jaci Harris, a self advocate, who could not attend herself since she was working.  Jaci wanted to thank the Council for helping her to be able to attend the National ADA Conference in Atlanta.  Jaci presented at the conference and was the first self advocate to do so.


The Executive Committee members met March 16, 2015 and April 20, 2015.  Copies of the minutes were available to Council members.  Mr. Reeve asked each member to review the minutes.   


Mr. Reeve requested presentation of committee reports.  Please refer to the committee minutes for a detailed description of the committee’s work, including motions made in committee.


Committee chair Samuel Miller presented the Disability Systems Change Committee report.  Background information concerning the funding requests are in the committee minutes.  Following are the motions presented on the floor for Council consideration:

MOTION:  Sam Miller made a motion to amend the funding to the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) for the Enhancing Disability Stakeholder Engagement in Managed Long-Term Services/Supports and Primary/Acute Care Systems Coordination Initiative for the current contract term of November 1, 2014 to October 31, 2015 from $160,000 for Year 2 (of 3) to $145,000.  Match requirement is waived for Year 2 (of 3).  Vicki Smith seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.

MOTION:  Sam Miller made a motion for continuation funding to Disability Rights NC (DRNC) for the Adult Care Home Transition to Community Initiative.  Approve funding for up to $75,000 (beginning September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016) for Year 3 (of 3).  Match requirement is waived for this grant.  Anna Cunningham seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.  Vicki Smith recused herself since she is the director of DRNC.

MOTION:  Sam Miller made a motion for continuation funding to Easter Seals/UCP of North Carolina & Virginia, Inc. for the Medical and Health Homes for People with Intellectual and Other Developmental Disabilities:  Coordination, Collaboration and Community Initiative.  Approve funding for up to $75,000 (beginning October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016) for Year 3 (of 3) with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($25,000).  Kerri Eaker seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.  Dave Richard recused himself since he was previously employed by a partner of this initiative, the Arc of NC.


Chris Egan read the Proclamation from the Council on the Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the ADA.  

MOTION:  Clare Shocket made a motion to officially begin the statewide celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 25th Anniversary that culminates on Sunday, July 26, 2015.    Eric Chavis seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.

Sen. Tommy Tucker gave the members a legislative update on the issues facing the General Assembly.  He also complimented Dave Richard on his dedication and advocacy to DHHS and the Council.  He said that the House and Senate continue to be in Medicaid Reform mode.  He updated the members that Burt’s Law had been approved.  Burt’s Law requires any person, either staff member or volunteer, who witnesses a group home resident being sexually assaulted to report the offense to the local Department of Social Services, law enforcement and the District Attorney.  Failure to do so within 24 hours will result in a Class A2 misdemeanor.  The law also inceases the penalty for those who intentionally injure special needs adults at a facility.  Members were given the opportunity to ask Sen. Tucker questions.  

Vicki Smith clarified that in 2006, the States were given the opportunity to opt-in or out to Medicaid Buy In.  North Carolina did opt-in, however, the state never fully engaged in their responsibilities under that opt-in.  It resulted in a lawsuit that DRNC initiated that was settled in September last year; DRNC won the case.  The state is now fully engaging in Medicaid Buy In.  Earned income no longer diminishes the ability to continue to receive medical insurance under Medicaid Buy In.  There is one fix that needs to be made and that has to do with un-earned income, so DRNC is working to find a champion to introduce a bill and promote it through the General Assembly.  It looks like Sen. Tucker will be the champion we are looking for.



Committee chair I. Azell Reeves presented the Community Capacity Building Committee Report.  Background information concerning the funding requests are in the committee minutes.  Following are the motions presented on the floor for Council consideration:

MOTION:  Azell Reeves made a motion that the NCCDD will make available up to $100,000 (beginning January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016), federal funds of external, sole-source continuation funding for Year 3 (of 3) to Cincinnati Hospital to implement the Project SEARCH Technical Assistance Initiative, with a minimum 25% non-federal match requirement ($33,333).   Michael Groves seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.  Katie Holler recused herself as a family member is employed at a school Project SEARCH is located.

MOTION:  Azell Reeves made a motion that the NCCDD will make available up to $75,000 (beginning October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016), federal funds of external continuation funding for Year 2 (of 3) to National Disability Institute for the NCCDD Upward to Financial Stability initiative with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($25,000).  Joshua Gettinger seconded the motion.   Motion was approved.  

Vicki Smith and Anna Cunningham wanted it noted for the record that even though this is part of the initiative, greater scrutiny needs to be paid to the resource list being tied to NC, and also that the actual substantive content, such as changes in the NC tax law, be specifically addressed.

MOTION: Azell Reeves made a motion that the NCCDD will make available up to $105,000 (beginning October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016, for year 2 of 3, with federal funds of external sole-source funding to the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management to implement the Emergency Preparedness Initiative with a recommended required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($35,000).  Adonis Brown seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.


Committee chair Caroline Ambrose presented the Advocacy and Leadership Committee report.  Background information concerning the funding requests are in the committee minutes.  Following are the motions presented on the floor for Council consideration:

MOTION:  Caroline Ambrose made a motion for continuation funding to First in Families of NC for the NCCDD Sibling Support initiative.  Funding is approved for up to $50,000 with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($16,667), for Year 2 (of 3) from October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016.   Katie Holler seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.  Mya Williams recused herself since she serves as the DHHS division’s liaision to First in Families.
MOTION:  Caroline Ambrose made a motion for continuation funding to Advocacy Institute, Inc., for the Partners in Policymaking initiative.  Year 3 (of 3) funding will begin on October 1, 2015 and end September 30, 2016, for an amount not to exceed $185,000 with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($61,667).  Mary Edwards seconded the motion.   Motion was approved.  Vicki Smith recused herself because Deborah Whitfield is the president-elect at DRNC.


Chris Egan gave a brief report out on the Governance Ad Hoc Committee.  The Governance committee met on March 31, and April 30, 2015.  Minutes for both meetings are posted on the website.  Peggy Terhune was elected as chair and Crystal Foreman was elected vice-chair.   During the meetings the committee decided to review the Council’s By-Laws as their first order of business and then would begin the review/revision/update of the policies.

Caroline Ambrose gave a brief report out on the Membership & Development Ad Hoc Committee.  The committee met on April 14, and May 5, 2015.  Minutes for both meetings are posted on the website.  The next meeting will be on June 9th.  Caroline Ambrose was elected chair and Wing Ng was elected vice-chair.  The committee reviewed the demographics of the Council and looked at areas in which recruitment will be needed.  They also discussed the new member orientation that was held April 21st and agreed it will be helpful for staff to continue this orientation for new members on at least an annual basis.  

Anna Cunningham gave a brief report out on the Communications Ad Hoc Committee.  The Communications committee met in April and May.  The committee looked at the website and the role of the website as well as who the target audience is and should be.  Information was collected and given to O’Neill Communications.  Technology was also discussed by the committee and how the use of Skype and other resources could include more consumers and families.

Adonis Brown gave a brief report out on the 5 Year Plan Ad Hoc Committee.  The committee met on April 20, and May 11, 2015.  Adonis Brown was elected chair and Nessis Siler was elected vice-chair.  The focus of the committee is to ensure the Council advances a strategic planning process for the 2017-2021 Five Year Plan that is tied to the requirements of the DD Act.  The next meeting will be June 15, 2015.



MOTION:  Ron Reeve made a motion to approve the 2015-2016 administrative budget that is $578,379 federal funds and $76,050 state funds; and to approve the 2015-2016 program management budget that is $437,707 federal funds.  Adonis Brown seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.

MOTION:  Ron Reeve made a motion to approve funding for continuation of the In-House Conference Funding initiative in an amount up to $24,000 for the period of July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 to fund conference speaker requests as approved by the Executive Committee or the Council.  Adonis Brown seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.

MOTION: Ron Reeve made a motion to approve funding for continuation of the In-House Council Development Fund initiative in an amount up to $40,000 for the period of July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016.  Anna Cunningham seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.


Caroline Ambrose nominated Katie Holler and Anna Cunningham nominated Clare Shocket.  Votes were cast on the floor by a showing of hands and Katie Holler was elected as the new vice-chair.  


Sam Miller announced that Beyond Academics held their graduation last week at UNCG.  There was standing room only-they had to send out for more chairs.  There were 11 graduates.  

Sam also wanted members to know that starting that evening there will be a reception for the TASH conference that is all day tomorrow at UNCG.  

Vicki Smith wanted to thank the Council and staff for their support of the 17 DRNC listening sessions that were held across the state.  She would like to report out about what they learned at the August Council meeting, if there is time.  She gave a quick overview of preliminary results.  Anna Cunningham agreed that it will be important for the Communications Ad Hoc to receive this information.

Kerri Eaker posed a challenge to all members to really make an effort to attend the Council’s listening sessions in their community and to get the word out because they know the partners and families there.

Carrie Ambrose asked that on behalf of the photographer, that the members of the Executive Committee stay for pictures.

Anna Cunningham made a motion to adjourn.  Nessie Siler seconded the motion.  Meeting was adjourned.

Approved:  _________________________
Anna Cunningham Secretary/Treasurer
Date: _______________



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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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