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Disability Systems Change Committee Minutes, Aug 2014

Disability Systems Change Committee
Thursday, August 16, 2014
12:30 to 3:00 pm
Hilton North Raleigh/Midtown, Raleigh, NC

Members Present: Crystal Bowe, Deborah Carroll, Christina Carter, Eric Chavis, Sandy Ellsworth, Wing Ng, Dave Richard, Vicki Smith, Peggy Terhune,  Deb Zuver

Members Absent: Samuel Miller, Kelly Woodall Beauchamp, Kerri Bennett Eaker, Verla Insko
Staff in Attendance: Steve Strom, JoAnn Toomey, John McCallum, Jennifer Bosk, Chris Egan

Guests: Beth Stalvey, Kelly Friedlander, Cas Shearin, Karen Luken, Sally Abril, John McCallum


Welcome: In Samuel Miller’s absence, Dr. Crystal Bowe chaired the August Disability Systems Change Committee and called the meeting to order, welcomed all members, and provided an opportunity for guests to introduce themselves.

Dr. Bowe called for a motion to approve the May 2014 Disability Systems Change Committee minutes.  Eric Chavis made a motion to approve the minutes.  Dave Richard seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Fiscal Updates:

  • Council Staff Yadira Vasquez presented the review of the Council administrative and program budgets and explained the details.  Ms. Vasquez’s fiscal update presented the budget summary spreadsheet of the three fiscal years from which all initiatives are funded and a one page initiative update that provided budget information in an easy to read and understand format on the initiatives, “Adult Care Home Transition“, “Medical and Health Home with I/DD” and “Medicaid Reform Stakeholder Engagement”. Dr. Bowe and members thanked Ms. Vasquez for her presentation on the fiscal details of each project.  

Policy Report and Updates from the NC General Assembly Short Session

Dr. Beth Stalvey, policy analyst contractor, presented an overview of the NC General Assembly policy that was enacted during the short session.  The work of the Disability Systems Change initiatives coincided with the major policy updates that were debated during the short session.  Committee members had many questions on how to continue advocating for changes that would serve the citizens of North Carolina.  Dr. Stalvey suggested that members join a monthly policy call on Medicaid reform so that the members can be better informed prior to the General Assembly reconvening in January 2015.  Dr. Bowe and the members thanked Dr. Stalvey for her presentation.  

Initiative Updates and motions for continuation funding:

  • Kelly Friedlander, contractor for NASDDDS, provided an update on the current initiative, “Medicaid Reform Stakeholder Engagement”.  The work of the contractor had been slowed due to the General Assembly debating Medicaid reform.  Ms. Friedlander presented the plan for the remainder of Year 1 with a suggestion to the committee to do a no cost extension for 30 days.   Following the update and a review of the revised work plan for the remainder of year 1, Dr. Bowe asked for a motion on a no cost extension and a revision of the year 2 contract period.  Vicki Smith made a motion to rescind the motion approved in May for continuation funding of Year 2 (of 3) to the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) for the Enhancing Disability Stakeholder Engagement in Managed Long-Term Services/Supports and Primary/Acute Care Systems Coordination Initiative.  The Council now approves a no-cost extension for Year 1 (of 3) to end on October 31, 2014.  Year 2 (of 3) continuation funding is approved for up to $160,000 (Beginning November 1, 2014 to October 31, 2015).  Match requirement is waived for this initiative.  Eric Chavis seconded the motion.   Motion was carried.
  • Cas Shearin, Disability Rights NC, provided an update on the “Adult Care Home Transition” initiative.  Members were pleased with the number of residents identified by Disability Rights in the Adult Care Homes who were candidates to move into the community.  Following a question and answer session, Dr. Bowe thanked Ms. Shearin for her presentation.   
  • Karen Luken, contractor for Easter Seals UCP, provided an extensive update on the ““Medical/Health Home” initiative.  Ms. Luken has been active in the past three months conducting community outreach and partner meetings.  The information gathered is important to inform the Department on importance of integrated medical and behavioral health and will be gathering stories from families and individuals to write up the consumer profiles that highlight challenges and barriers to accessing healthcare.  Dr. Bowe and the members thanked Ms. Luken for her presentation.  
  • Following the review of the initiatives, Dr. Bowe asked Council staff member, Steve Strom, to present an update on the Guardianship RFA. Before Mr. Strom presented an overview of the Guardianship RFA, Dr. Bowe asked that anyone on the Disability Systems Change committee who had a potential conflict of interest or may have interest in applying for the grant to sign the appropriate form and leave the room during the discussion.  Dr. Bowe also asked that all visitors to exit the room during the presentation.  Committee members Dr. Peggy Terhune, Deb Zuver, and Vicki Smith recused themselves from the presentation and left the room during the discussion.  Each of those members worked for an agency that had an interest in applying for the grant.  Mr. Strom presented the research behind the RFA and the work that had already been done by DHHS at the direction of the General Assembly.  Following a question and comment period by the committee, Dr. Bowe asked for a motion.  Eric Chavis made a motion to grant NCCDD staff authority to release the Request for Application (RFA) for the “Guardianship Initiative”. Dr. Wing Ng seconded the motion.  The motion was carried.   
  • Dr. Bowe asked Council staff, Steve Strom, to provide an update on the work of the selection committee and their work on recommending a vendor for the Council’s communications needs. Mr. Strom informed the committee that two vendors had responded to the scope of work released by the Council, The Wallace Group and O’Neill Communications. Based on the review of each vendor’s responses to the scope of work, the committee recommended O’Neill Communications is the selected vendor. Dr. Bowe called for a motion. Eric Chavis made a motion that the O’Neill Communications, Inc.  be approved as the contractor selected for the NCCDD Communications contract.  Funding is approved for up to $135,000 with a required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds, for year one of up to 3 years from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015. Dave Richard seconded the motion.  Motion was carried.

Wrap Up and Reminders:

Dr. Bowe thanked the members of the Disability Systems Change for their work during the meeting and adjourned the meeting.



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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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