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Executive Committee Minutes, December 2020

NC Council on Developmental Disabilities
Executive Committee Minutes
Date:  December 14, 2020
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Members Present: Allison Dodson, Kerri Eaker, Cheryl Powell, Nessie Siler, Dan Smith
Members Absent: Myron Gavin, Ryan Rotundo
Staff Present: David Ingram, Melissa Swartz, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez, Talley Wells, Travis Williams, Letha Young
Guests/Council Members Present: Bryan Dooley, Sandy Terrell

I. Call to Order
Chair Kerri Eaker called the meeting to order of the Executive Committee (EC) and welcomed the members calling in.

II. Approval of Minutes
The draft minutes for the November 16, 2020 Executive Committee meeting were reviewed.

MOTION: Allison Dodson made a motion to approve the November 16, 2020 minutes. Nessie Siler seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

III. Executive Director Update
Talley Wells reported on the success of the Five-Year Planning Retreat. He and David Ingram decided this morning that on December 21st they will meet and put together the ideas and planning that have come forward. He turned the discussion over to Sandy Terrell.

Sandy reported that she felt the strategic session went very well and thanked the staff for their coordination and support. She also thanked the EC for their time spent during this event. She was very excited about the discussions and input that was thoughtful and mindful.

Talley thanked Sandy for her time and leadership on the Five-Year Ad Hoc Committee.
Some financial and funding topics Talley discussed that needed decisions soon were filling the public policy temporary position, as well as a public policy mentor that the EC had approved previously. He has asked staff and Kerri if they are aware of anyone who might fill this need. This position would last until August and then in October we’d look to have a more permanent public policy position added to staff.

Talley then discussed the Peer Support Training initiative. Many previous discussions have occurred and NACDD has clarified that they will give NC $10,000 towards this effort. The biggest question has been sustainability and employment after the training. This will be a pilot project and NC is one of the first states to do this. We have reviewed this project with the EC and the Community Living Committee. The evaluation has had a lot of conversations with NACDD and Optum. Alliance LME/MCO has really gotten behind being a part of this process, moving it forward and have it be part of the work they are already doing. Talley reminded the members that he has sent them the curriculum that is a 12-week training. Kelly Friedlander has worked intensely with this effort and she has done a lot of work already around this area.

Talley feels like it is now time to make a decision one way or the other and asked the EC if we wanted this class to go forward to be funded this spring/summer and NACDD and the Council will work together to run this class. He will be coming back to the EC this January or to the Council in February to ask for funding to go toward getting a pilot class in early spring/summer and for the Council to accept the $10,000 for stipends of participants of the class.

MOTION: Nessie Siler made a motion for the Council to partner with NACDD, Alliance and Optum for the Peer Support Training to be held in the Spring/early Summer of 2021 and accept $10,000 from NACDD for participant stipends. Allison Dodson seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

IV. Financial Report and Expenses/Match Update
Yadira Vasquez reviewed the financial reports for the NCCDD. There is currently $289,710 available for new initiatives from FFYs 2019, 2020 and 2021 and $237,208 that will be available October 1, 2021 from FFY 2022. Yadira asked the members if there were any questions and there were none at this time.

V. FY 2021 and 2022 Spending
Talley discussed ideas for the current funds available. They include potentially funding support of Financial Asset Development Training and continued support of ABLE Training; Peer Support Recruitment and Evaluation; NCEN; Latin-X; Registry of Unmet Needs; ADA Network and Leadership Training/ALP. He reviewed with the members a spreadsheet that proposes spending of available funds from FFYs 19, 20, 21 and 22. He asked if members had suggestions and/or questions.

Kerri mentioned that we’ve already done a lot of ABLE Training. She is hearing a lot about help with internet access. Families are struggling with access and she asked if there is a way we could help. Dan Smith questioned if there are different ways to help that aligned with our mission and limited funds.

Talley reminded the members that we need to make decisions soon on new RFAs that will come out as a result of the new Five-Year Plan process. No decisions needed to be made today but he wanted the members to start thinking about the FFY 19 and 20 funds available for decisions that needed to be made in January and February – that need to be spent before next September 2021.

VI. Council Meeting/Member Survey or Agenda Review
The members reviewed the draft 2021 February Council Meeting Agenda. Some minor edits/additions were made, and the agenda will be reviewed again at the January EC meeting.

VII. Conference Funding Requests
The members reviewed a request from the Autism Society of NC for support of their virtual 2021 Autism Society of North Carolina Conference being held March 19-20, 2021. The request is for up to $1,000 to pay the speaker’s fee.

MOTION: Dan Smith made a motion to approve the request from the Autism Society of NC for funding of their virtual 2021 Autism Society of North Carolina Conference being held March 19-20, 2021 in an amount up to $1,000 to pay the speaker’s fee. Allison Dodson seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

VIII. Ad Hoc Committees/Updates
The Five-Year Plan Ad Hoc Committee updated earlier. David Ingram thanked everyone for their input and the input from others who attended.

IX. Personal Services Contract Review/Approval
None at this time.

X. Other
The members reviewed the suggested dates for the 2021 EC meetings.

MOTION: Dan Smith made a motion to approve the date for the January Executive Committee meeting for January 21, 2021 at 10:00 AM. The dates for the rest of the year will be finalized at the January EC meeting. Allison Dodson seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Idea Portal Submissions
Kerri briefly discussed the two proposals from the same person that were sent to the EC last week that were reviewed by the Systems Change Managers. JoAnn responded by e-mail to both proposals with a thank you for their submissions and that the decision, reached by consensus, was that both ideas will likely be addressed in a future Request for Application (RFA) release – based on our Five-Year State Plan development, so far.

XI. Adjourn
Kerri asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:30.

MOTION: Nessie Siler made a motion to adjourn the EC meeting. Cheryl Powell seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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